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Catholics: Britain's Largest Minority

di Dennis Sewell

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15Nessuno1,407,728 (3)2
In the course of the 20th century, Britain's Catholics have made a long journey from the margins of society through gradual acceptance and respectability to positions of great influence and power in public life. In Catholics, Dennis Sewell charts that journey. In the course of exploring the social variety of the Catholic community in Britain and tracing the development of a contemporary Catholic identity through the decades, Sewell highlights the achievements of those who have made distinctively Catholic contributions to our society - such as G.K. Chesterton, Evelyn Waugh and Graham Greene - and identifies those who nowadays represent the Catholic community in the public mind - figures like Paul Johnson, Charles Moore, Cristina Odone, Ann Widdecombe and Mark Lawson. He also asks where the future may take British Catholicism - is its current popularity merely a trend or is this a faith with a real future?… (altro)
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DDC/MDS Canonico
LCC canonico

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In the course of the 20th century, Britain's Catholics have made a long journey from the margins of society through gradual acceptance and respectability to positions of great influence and power in public life. In Catholics, Dennis Sewell charts that journey. In the course of exploring the social variety of the Catholic community in Britain and tracing the development of a contemporary Catholic identity through the decades, Sewell highlights the achievements of those who have made distinctively Catholic contributions to our society - such as G.K. Chesterton, Evelyn Waugh and Graham Greene - and identifies those who nowadays represent the Catholic community in the public mind - figures like Paul Johnson, Charles Moore, Cristina Odone, Ann Widdecombe and Mark Lawson. He also asks where the future may take British Catholicism - is its current popularity merely a trend or is this a faith with a real future?

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