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Corridor of Storms

di William Sarabande

Serie: First Americans (book 2)

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Panoramic, authentic, explosively dramatic--this is the breathtaking new series The First Americans, which began with Book I, Beyond The Sea Of Ice.   Now the heroic great hunter Torka, his woman Lonit, and his adopted son Karana emerge from a land forbidden to all men, a land where mountains walk and spirits speak. Across the fierce glacial tundra Torka leads his people--survivors of a horrifying natural disaster--to a winter camp where many bands gather to hunt the great mammoth. There he and his followers encounter an evil more dangerous than the wild lands--the magic man called Navahlk, who vows cruel destruction of the bold hunter Torka. To survive they must draw upon the courage of one brave boy who will grow to manhood and see with his mind's eye where the sun's light has led them--to the dawn of man on the American continent.… (altro)
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Ahora, el gran cazador heroico Torka, su mujer Lonit y su hijo adoptivo Karana emergen de una tierra prohibida a todos los hombres, una tierra donde las montañas caminan y los espíritus hablan. Al otro lado de la feroz tundra glaciar, Torka lleva a su gente, sobrevivientes de un horrible desastre natural, a un campamento de invierno donde muchas bandas se reúnen para cazar al gran mamut. Allí, él y sus seguidores se encuentran con un mal más peligroso que las tierras salvajes: el hombre mágico llamado Navahlk, que jura la cruel destrucción del atrevido cazador Torka. Para sobrevivir, deben aprovechar el coraje de un niño valiente que crecerá hasta convertirse en un hombre y ver con el ojo de su mente a dónde la luz del sol los ha llevado, hasta el amanecer del hombre en el continente americano.
  Natt90 | Nov 9, 2022 |
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godmother, friend, and, if past lives be,
Eleanor of Aquitaine without a doubt!

Also, but by no means as an afterthought,
Paul and Lois
dear friends
I thank you for a lifetime of encouragement
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"In the beginning, when the land was one land, when the People were one people, before Father Above made the darkness that ate the sun, before Mother Below gave birth to the ice spirits that grew to cover the mountains, the wanawut was born to hunt the children of First Man and First Woman - to follow them as we now follow the great herds, to feed upon the People even as the People feed upon the meat and blood of mammoth and caribou and bison.
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Panoramic, authentic, explosively dramatic--this is the breathtaking new series The First Americans, which began with Book I, Beyond The Sea Of Ice.   Now the heroic great hunter Torka, his woman Lonit, and his adopted son Karana emerge from a land forbidden to all men, a land where mountains walk and spirits speak. Across the fierce glacial tundra Torka leads his people--survivors of a horrifying natural disaster--to a winter camp where many bands gather to hunt the great mammoth. There he and his followers encounter an evil more dangerous than the wild lands--the magic man called Navahlk, who vows cruel destruction of the bold hunter Torka. To survive they must draw upon the courage of one brave boy who will grow to manhood and see with his mind's eye where the sun's light has led them--to the dawn of man on the American continent.

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Media: (3.48)
1 1
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3 7
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5 2

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