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Seven Japanese tales di Junichiro Tanizaki
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Seven Japanese tales (edizione 1963)

di Junichiro Tanizaki

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645937,627 (3.81)24
Junichiro Tanizaki's Seven Japanese Tales collects stories that explore the boundary at which love becomes self-annihilation, where the contemplation of beauty gives way to fetishism, and where tradition becomes an instrument of voluptuous cruelty. nbsp; A beautiful blind musician exacts the ultimate sacrifice from the man who is both her disciple and her lover. A tattooist turns the body of an exquisite young girl into a reflection of her predatory inner nature. A young man is erotically imprisoned by memories of his absent mother. Shocking in its content and lyrical in its beauty, these stories represent some of the finest work of one of Japan's greatest modern writers.… (altro)
Titolo:Seven Japanese tales
Autori:Junichiro Tanizaki
Info:New York, N.Y.: Perigee Books, [1981] c1963.
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Seven Japanese Tales di Jun'ichirō Tanizaki

  1. 10
    Acts of Worship: Seven Stories di Yukio Mishima (poetontheone)
    poetontheone: Interesting to contrast Mishima with Tanizaki in regards to short prose instead of novels, which is what both are primarily known for.
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» Vedi le 24 citazioni

This is a collection of Japanese short stories, some of which are extraordinarily beautiful. I thought the strongest story in this collection was the first one, "Portrait of Shunkin" about a blind woman who lived her entire life with her boyhood servant yet she always abused him physically and emotionally. I also very much liked a particularly short story called "Terror" about a man's phobia of travelling by train. The weakest story in the collection I found to be "The Blind Man's Tale" which told the story of a blind man who was the masseur of Lady Oichi. I found that story had too many characters whom I could never keep straight. I also could never tell who were friends and who were enemies because that kept changing all the time. ( )
  SqueakyChu | Aug 27, 2022 |
  laplantelibrary | Apr 17, 2022 |
Short stories. Some good some odd ( )
  kakadoo202 | Oct 12, 2020 |
La refinada sensualidad, la subversiva idea del deseo, la sutil concepción de la belleza y el permanente contraste entre tradición y modernidad se condensan de forma proverbial en esta selección de relatos. En estos siete cuentos, elegidos entre una vasta producción y ordenados cronológicamente, el lector percibirá la evolución de la narrativa breve de Tanizaki, desde su fascinación inicial por Occidente a la exaltación de los valores de la tradición japonesa.
La diversidad del mundo narrativo de Tanizaki queda reflejada en relatos como «El bufón», un divertido retablo del Japón de los albores del siglo pasado. En «El espía alemán» podemos rastrear la experiencia del propio Junichiro y su encantamiento juvenil con lo extranjero sobre lo japonés. La espiritualidad que ilumina «Los dos novicios» supone un destello casi único entre los cuentos de Tanizaki, que muestra su versatilidad en «En el camino», un relato de corte detectivesco, o regresa a sus obsesiones eróticas en el cuento «Los pies de Fumiko», paradigma de la magistral capacidad del autor para cantar la belleza femenina. El edípico «Nostalgia de mi madre» y el aleccionador vodevil de «Los techos rojos» cierran esta selección, en la que Tanizaki demuestra una vez más por qué es uno de los grandes maestros de la literatura japonesa contemporánea, admirado por figuras como Yukio Mishima o Henry Miller.
  bibliotecayamaguchi | Nov 19, 2018 |
I loved 'Some Prefer Nettles' and had high hopes for this collection. Sadly, I was left with a sense of disappointment. Maybe the translation didn't do the original works justice - there were times when I felt that the text didn't read seriously enough for the subject matter - but I think that perhaps I just didn't connect with the stories as well as I might. ( )
  soylentgreen23 | Nov 1, 2017 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (4 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Jun'ichirō Tanizakiautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Gall, JohnProgetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Hibbett, HowardTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Torres, VincentIllustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Yasunari, IkenagaImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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It has been said that the deaf look like fools and the blind like sages: the dead, in their effort to catch what others are saying, knit their brows, gape their mouths, and goggle their eyes, or cock their heads this way and that, all of which gives them an air of stupidity; while the blind, because they sit calmly with their heads bowed a trifle as if in meditation, appear to be extremely thoughtful. (Portrait of Shunkin)
...young men are likely to be attracted to the ripe beauty of women older than themselves.  (Portrait of Shunkin)
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Junichiro Tanizaki's Seven Japanese Tales collects stories that explore the boundary at which love becomes self-annihilation, where the contemplation of beauty gives way to fetishism, and where tradition becomes an instrument of voluptuous cruelty. nbsp; A beautiful blind musician exacts the ultimate sacrifice from the man who is both her disciple and her lover. A tattooist turns the body of an exquisite young girl into a reflection of her predatory inner nature. A young man is erotically imprisoned by memories of his absent mother. Shocking in its content and lyrical in its beauty, these stories represent some of the finest work of one of Japan's greatest modern writers.

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Media: (3.81)
1 2
1.5 1
2 2
3 18
3.5 6
4 33
4.5 6
5 15

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