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Supernova: A Graphic Novel (Amulet #8) (8)…
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Supernova: A Graphic Novel (Amulet #8) (8) (edizione 2018)

di Kazu Kibuishi (Autore)

Serie: Amulet (8)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiConversazioni
1,0471020,427 (3.96)Nessuno
When Emily loses control of her Amulet, she is imprisoned in the Void, where she must escape the influence of the Voice, while her brother, Navin, travels to a space station where the Resistance is preparing to battle the approaching Shadow forces.
Titolo:Supernova: A Graphic Novel (Amulet #8) (8)
Autori:Kazu Kibuishi (Autore)
Info:Graphix (2018), 208 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Graphic Novel

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Supernova di Kazu Kibuishi

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{My thoughts} – Emily lost control of her stone’s powers in the last book. She ended up turning into a big bird made of fire. The book references her as being a pheonix. A lot transpires with her while she is lost in the memories, which is a huge learning situation for both her and those that she is friends with.

Navin and his friends go on a quest to help from a space station. Their goal is to try and save Alledia from destruction. They do what they can with the resources they have available to them.

Trellis and Emily eventually meet up again and when they do there is so much to be discussed. The question is, is she his enemy or his friend? The only way you will learn that is if you read the book. I promise it is well worth the read. The only thing that made me sad is that the book ended with a cliff hanger. I cannot wait for the next book to come out so that I can devour it! ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
7/10 ( )
  Law_Books600 | Nov 3, 2023 |
The four star is because I really didn't like how Emily could just thwart Ikol just because she believed she was strong enough. I bet all those other young Stonekeepers that went out of control told themselves the same thing. How come Emily is just suddenly so strong to be able to resist the Amulet like that? Sorry if I sound negative, but just because you really want something or will it to happen doesn't mean it actually will. Some people have to learn that the hard way, and in this book, Emily being able to do whatever she wants just because is unrealistic at best. ( )
  BooksbyStarlight | Oct 25, 2022 |
Wow. I think I'm going to have to go back and re-read the previous ones again to grasp everything that's going on. The artwork is fantastic as ever. Excellent continuation of the plot but still more to come. ( )
  pacbox | Jul 9, 2022 |
This was such a great installment its been a very log time since I picked this series up so I was a bit lost in areas, however this was great. I loved all the twists it took and I can't wait for volume nine. I like the moral ambiguity of the main character and I feel alike authors trusts the audeincentonfigurebout when she's acting good and when she's acting bad.

I wish these were longer though as i find graphic novels are always much too short.

The art in this was amazing and I'm just in awe of this whole world. It's stunning. I hope we get more works set in the world after the series closes. ( )
  afrozenbookparadise | Apr 22, 2021 |
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When Emily loses control of her Amulet, she is imprisoned in the Void, where she must escape the influence of the Voice, while her brother, Navin, travels to a space station where the Resistance is preparing to battle the approaching Shadow forces.

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Media: (3.96)
0.5 1
2.5 2
3 11
3.5 1
4 27
4.5 1
5 15

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