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GMAT official guide 2018 : the definitive guide from the makers of the GMAT exam

di GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council)

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The definitive guide from the makers of the GMAT exam The GMAT Official Guide 2018 is the definitive guide from the Graduate Management Admission Council, the makers of the GMAT exam. It contains over 900 real GMAT questions from past exams, including 130 never-before-seen questions, plus the following features:  An overview of the exam to help you get familiar with the content and format Detailed answer explanations that explain how the test maker thinks about a question Actual essay topics, sample responses, and scoring information Comprehensive grammar and math review Questions organized in order of difficulty from easiest to hardest to focus your study Access to the same questions - plus additional integrated reasoning questions - online at, where you can build your own practice sets Don't waste time practicing on fake GMAT questions. Optimize your study time with the GMAT Official Guide 2018 using real questions from actual past exams.… (altro)
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The definitive guide from the makers of the GMAT exam The GMAT Official Guide 2018 is the definitive guide from the Graduate Management Admission Council, the makers of the GMAT exam. It contains over 900 real GMAT questions from past exams, including 130 never-before-seen questions, plus the following features:  An overview of the exam to help you get familiar with the content and format Detailed answer explanations that explain how the test maker thinks about a question Actual essay topics, sample responses, and scoring information Comprehensive grammar and math review Questions organized in order of difficulty from easiest to hardest to focus your study Access to the same questions - plus additional integrated reasoning questions - online at, where you can build your own practice sets Don't waste time practicing on fake GMAT questions. Optimize your study time with the GMAT Official Guide 2018 using real questions from actual past exams.

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