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Misadventures with the Boss (11) di Kendall…
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Misadventures with the Boss (11) (edizione 2018)

di Kendall Ryan (Autore)

Serie: Misadventures (12)

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At twenty-nine, Piper Daniels is having the longest dry-spell of her life. When she agrees to be set up on a blind date, she never expects it to end with the hottest sex of her life. But when she discovers that her very well-endowed secret lover is also her new boss, heartless womanizer and cutthroat CEO Jackson Dane, she chalks it up to a one-time mistake and puts up her best professional front. But Jackson isn't used to rejection, and if Piper thinks it's going to be easy to move on from their tryst, she's underestimated his determination. As their work brings them together, temptation becomes too much, and Piper loses herself in all the wicked pleasure Jackson has to offer. But his conquest comes at a steep price. Piper has a secret. A secret big enough to rip Jackson's carefully ordered world to shreds.… (altro)
Titolo:Misadventures with the Boss (11)
Autori:Kendall Ryan (Autore)
Info:Waterhouse Press LLC (2018), 208 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Misadventures with the Boss di Kendall Ryan

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Occasionally sexy. Male lead was too big an asshole and female lead was too perfect for me to really invest. Also, not sure the author has ever actually been to NYC. She makes MoMA and the Met into one place and also says the company's office was in the "Business District." I laughed. Where is this Business District" that she speaks of? ( )
  Narshkite | Jul 31, 2022 |
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At twenty-nine, Piper Daniels is having the longest dry-spell of her life. When she agrees to be set up on a blind date, she never expects it to end with the hottest sex of her life. But when she discovers that her very well-endowed secret lover is also her new boss, heartless womanizer and cutthroat CEO Jackson Dane, she chalks it up to a one-time mistake and puts up her best professional front. But Jackson isn't used to rejection, and if Piper thinks it's going to be easy to move on from their tryst, she's underestimated his determination. As their work brings them together, temptation becomes too much, and Piper loses herself in all the wicked pleasure Jackson has to offer. But his conquest comes at a steep price. Piper has a secret. A secret big enough to rip Jackson's carefully ordered world to shreds.

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