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Art models becca014 : figure drawing pose reference

di Douglas Johnson

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Draw, paint, sculpt the figure anytime and anywhere with this portable figure reference.This contemplative Pose gives you 24 photosâone every 15 degrees as the female model turns through a full circle. Choose your preferred view for 2D art, like painting, or see the whole figure for 3D art, like sculpture. Zoom in to see details in hands and face and other tricky areas, giving you even more options for how to use the photos.Whatever your goal, such as practicing to improve your skills, or creating a finished work of art, or just unwinding at the end of a long day with some figure drawing, Art Models Poses provide a quality reference you can come back to again and again.Don't spend hours searching for reference material only to find photos of questionable content and dubious quality. We've spent years in the studio and you get the benefitâexpertly crafted photos designed specifically for figure art. Just look through the Art Models covers for the Poses that inspire you and get right to the part you actually like: creating art.This ebook has the Becca014 Pose as shown on the cover.… (altro)

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Draw, paint, sculpt the figure anytime and anywhere with this portable figure reference.This contemplative Pose gives you 24 photosâone every 15 degrees as the female model turns through a full circle. Choose your preferred view for 2D art, like painting, or see the whole figure for 3D art, like sculpture. Zoom in to see details in hands and face and other tricky areas, giving you even more options for how to use the photos.Whatever your goal, such as practicing to improve your skills, or creating a finished work of art, or just unwinding at the end of a long day with some figure drawing, Art Models Poses provide a quality reference you can come back to again and again.Don't spend hours searching for reference material only to find photos of questionable content and dubious quality. We've spent years in the studio and you get the benefitâexpertly crafted photos designed specifically for figure art. Just look through the Art Models covers for the Poses that inspire you and get right to the part you actually like: creating art.This ebook has the Becca014 Pose as shown on the cover.

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