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Heaven sent : more than coincidence

di Guideposts

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Discover a surprising kindling of spiritual awareness through stories of heaven-sent comfort, protection, and healing. That message is at the heart of every remarkable true account in Heaven Sent--unexpected and wondrous experiences that point to God's hidden hand at work in our lives. These thrilling events are more than mere coincidences and will open your eyes and hearts to God's love all around you. You will meet Debra Person who was mysteriously pulled from the grips of addiction to start a new life. Ramona Scarborough weaves her tale of a terrible car accident that she and her son survived only with the help of an amazing brace. Tony Cicoria will enchant you with his story of a dream becoming an obsession and, finally, a career. And Renee Coy tells of a night that could have destroyed her life, if she and her sister hadn't become invisible at just the right moment. These and many other stories are proof positive that God is right here with us every step of our journey. Heaven Sent is a best-of collection from Mysterious Ways, the brand-new magazine and the most popular feature in Guideposts.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daHSNordskog
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Discover a surprising kindling of spiritual awareness through stories of heaven-sent comfort, protection, and healing. That message is at the heart of every remarkable true account in Heaven Sent--unexpected and wondrous experiences that point to God's hidden hand at work in our lives. These thrilling events are more than mere coincidences and will open your eyes and hearts to God's love all around you. You will meet Debra Person who was mysteriously pulled from the grips of addiction to start a new life. Ramona Scarborough weaves her tale of a terrible car accident that she and her son survived only with the help of an amazing brace. Tony Cicoria will enchant you with his story of a dream becoming an obsession and, finally, a career. And Renee Coy tells of a night that could have destroyed her life, if she and her sister hadn't become invisible at just the right moment. These and many other stories are proof positive that God is right here with us every step of our journey. Heaven Sent is a best-of collection from Mysterious Ways, the brand-new magazine and the most popular feature in Guideposts.

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