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HCSB Law Enforcement Officer’s Bible, Black LeatherTouch

di Holman Bible Staff

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The events of September 11, 2001 heightened our great respect for emergency medical services personnel, firefighters, and police officers. Those brave men and women who turned Ground Zero into a place of heroes -- and others like them nationwide -- show true courage and faith in daily putting their lives on the line for someone else in need. Even with a strong sense of calling, such work is especially stressful and full of uncertainty for these servant-hearted people and their families. HCSB Heroes Bibles -- separate editions thoughtfully designed for EMS professionals, firefighters, and law enforcement officers -- pair the complete text of the popular HCSB translation with an extended devotional section of articles, prayers, and spiritual guidance. The smaller trim size, durable simulated leather binding, and added inspirational notes and helps make these Bibles easy to use in the field. Other features include a special presentation page, the words of Christ in red, the plan of salvation, and a two-piece gift box.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daSidneyPoe, JodiRA

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The events of September 11, 2001 heightened our great respect for emergency medical services personnel, firefighters, and police officers. Those brave men and women who turned Ground Zero into a place of heroes -- and others like them nationwide -- show true courage and faith in daily putting their lives on the line for someone else in need. Even with a strong sense of calling, such work is especially stressful and full of uncertainty for these servant-hearted people and their families. HCSB Heroes Bibles -- separate editions thoughtfully designed for EMS professionals, firefighters, and law enforcement officers -- pair the complete text of the popular HCSB translation with an extended devotional section of articles, prayers, and spiritual guidance. The smaller trim size, durable simulated leather binding, and added inspirational notes and helps make these Bibles easy to use in the field. Other features include a special presentation page, the words of Christ in red, the plan of salvation, and a two-piece gift box.

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