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Anatomy of the Digestive System : QuickStudy Reference Guide

di Vincent Perez

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No anatomical reference is as inexpensive and as loaded with meticulously detailed, beautifully illustrated structures of the human digestive system, clearly and concisely labeled for easy identification. There are over 10 million QuickStudy anatomy guides in print, all with Illustrations by award-winning and best-selling medical illustrator Vincent Perez, whose life mission is cataloging the beauty and detail of our complicated body systems for the medical professional, the formative student and the inquisitive layperson. 6-page laminated guide includes illustrated and labeled: Anterior Digestive System & Viscera Posterior Digestive System & Viscera Lateral Mouth & Tongue Mouth & Throat Muscles Mouth, Tongue, Taste Buds Tooth Cross Section Mouth & Salivary Glands Small Intestine (Schematic), Large Intestine Stomach, Stomach & Pancreas Lymphatics Large Intestine Lymphatics Hepatic Portal Veins Liver, Gallbladder & Pancreas Liver Lobule (Micro) Pancreas Anterior Nervous System Ileocecal Sphincter & Appendix Rectum Esophagus, Stomach (Micro Cross Section) Small Intestine, Large Intestine (Micro Cross Section) Suggested uses: Students - handy reference that is compact and easily reviewed on a daily basis Administrative - use for billing and coding Doctors - use guide to educate patients or for reference with staff… (altro)

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No anatomical reference is as inexpensive and as loaded with meticulously detailed, beautifully illustrated structures of the human digestive system, clearly and concisely labeled for easy identification. There are over 10 million QuickStudy anatomy guides in print, all with Illustrations by award-winning and best-selling medical illustrator Vincent Perez, whose life mission is cataloging the beauty and detail of our complicated body systems for the medical professional, the formative student and the inquisitive layperson. 6-page laminated guide includes illustrated and labeled: Anterior Digestive System & Viscera Posterior Digestive System & Viscera Lateral Mouth & Tongue Mouth & Throat Muscles Mouth, Tongue, Taste Buds Tooth Cross Section Mouth & Salivary Glands Small Intestine (Schematic), Large Intestine Stomach, Stomach & Pancreas Lymphatics Large Intestine Lymphatics Hepatic Portal Veins Liver, Gallbladder & Pancreas Liver Lobule (Micro) Pancreas Anterior Nervous System Ileocecal Sphincter & Appendix Rectum Esophagus, Stomach (Micro Cross Section) Small Intestine, Large Intestine (Micro Cross Section) Suggested uses: Students - handy reference that is compact and easily reviewed on a daily basis Administrative - use for billing and coding Doctors - use guide to educate patients or for reference with staff

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