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The Kyle Idleman prodigal collection : AHA, 40 days to lasting change, praying for your prodigal

di Kyle Idleman

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Together for the first time! Three transformational books from Kyle Idleman. AHA: We've all had "aha!" moments in our lives, times when a sudden revelation surprises us with insight. According to pastor and bestselling author Kyle Idleman, we can experience this same kind of "aha!" in our spiritual lives. With everyday examples and trademark testimonies, Idleman draws on Scripture to reveal how three key elements can draw us closer to God and change our lives for good. Awakening to the reality of our true spiritual condition, we see ourselves and our need for a Savior with renewed honesty. This realization leads to action, obeying God's commands and following the example set by Christ. As we see in the transformation of the prodigal son, the result is a life-changing, destiny-altering collision--an AHA moment that leads us home to our loving Father. 40 Days to Lasting Change: Do you want to see change in your life--but don't know how to get there? In this thoughtful devotional, Kyle Idleman invites you to address that behavior or thought pattern using three key elements: You Awaken to the reality of your spiritual condition; you see yourself and your need for a Savior with brutal Honesty; and this realization leads to Action as you follow Christ's example. Drawing on the example of the Prodigal Son, Idleman shows us why each of these three elements is essential to lasting spiritual transformation and gives us practical tools to live them out. Praying for Your Prodigal: A book for parents and family members of those who are far from God, Praying for Your Prodigal draws on insights from AHA to help readers pray--and hope--for their prodigal. In this hope-filled, honest book Kyle Idleman offers stories about prodigals specifically for parents and grandparents of prodigals, as well as a series of prayers for readers to work through as they offer their prodigals to God.  … (altro)
Aggiunto di recente damarytblogs, vikinga, ScottColeman
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Together for the first time! Three transformational books from Kyle Idleman. AHA: We've all had "aha!" moments in our lives, times when a sudden revelation surprises us with insight. According to pastor and bestselling author Kyle Idleman, we can experience this same kind of "aha!" in our spiritual lives. With everyday examples and trademark testimonies, Idleman draws on Scripture to reveal how three key elements can draw us closer to God and change our lives for good. Awakening to the reality of our true spiritual condition, we see ourselves and our need for a Savior with renewed honesty. This realization leads to action, obeying God's commands and following the example set by Christ. As we see in the transformation of the prodigal son, the result is a life-changing, destiny-altering collision--an AHA moment that leads us home to our loving Father. 40 Days to Lasting Change: Do you want to see change in your life--but don't know how to get there? In this thoughtful devotional, Kyle Idleman invites you to address that behavior or thought pattern using three key elements: You Awaken to the reality of your spiritual condition; you see yourself and your need for a Savior with brutal Honesty; and this realization leads to Action as you follow Christ's example. Drawing on the example of the Prodigal Son, Idleman shows us why each of these three elements is essential to lasting spiritual transformation and gives us practical tools to live them out. Praying for Your Prodigal: A book for parents and family members of those who are far from God, Praying for Your Prodigal draws on insights from AHA to help readers pray--and hope--for their prodigal. In this hope-filled, honest book Kyle Idleman offers stories about prodigals specifically for parents and grandparents of prodigals, as well as a series of prayers for readers to work through as they offer their prodigals to God.  

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