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Now we're talking! : 21 days to high-performance instructional leadership

di Justin Baeder

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"Most leaders and teachers don't fully realize the potential that daily classroom visits have to prompt significant improvements in teaching and learning. In Now We're Talking!: 21 Days to High-Performance Instructional Leadership, Justin Baeder presents a high-performance instructional leadership approach that far surpasses traditional walkthrough models of feedback. He asserts the classroom is the best environment for professional learning, and he gives readers strategies to help them develop the instructional leadership habit of visiting classrooms daily, based on his global online experiment called the 21-Day Instructional Leadership Challenge, which has attracted more than ten thousand participants in more than fifty countries. When instructional leaders observe three classrooms a day for five to ten minutes each, and then have a brief evidence-based conversation with the teacher thereafter, they can learn more about their teachers' thinking and practices. With this firsthand shared information, they can make informed operational and instructional decisions that foster rich relationships with teachers, improve professional practices, reduce stress, and increase student learning"… (altro)
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"Most leaders and teachers don't fully realize the potential that daily classroom visits have to prompt significant improvements in teaching and learning. In Now We're Talking!: 21 Days to High-Performance Instructional Leadership, Justin Baeder presents a high-performance instructional leadership approach that far surpasses traditional walkthrough models of feedback. He asserts the classroom is the best environment for professional learning, and he gives readers strategies to help them develop the instructional leadership habit of visiting classrooms daily, based on his global online experiment called the 21-Day Instructional Leadership Challenge, which has attracted more than ten thousand participants in more than fifty countries. When instructional leaders observe three classrooms a day for five to ten minutes each, and then have a brief evidence-based conversation with the teacher thereafter, they can learn more about their teachers' thinking and practices. With this firsthand shared information, they can make informed operational and instructional decisions that foster rich relationships with teachers, improve professional practices, reduce stress, and increase student learning"

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