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Quantum electrodynamics. Proceedings of the IV. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1965 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 25th February-10th March 1965 (Acta Physica Austriaca / Supplementum 2)

di Paul Urban

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Whereas then' has been significant progress in various branches of elementary particle physics during the last decade or so, Quantum Electrodynamics seems to be in a somewhat stagnating phase. For people not involved in sophisticated questions of relativistic field theories the situation might appear as not very di(:ltinct from the time, when Schwinger, Feynman and Dyson publishl'ld their famous articles in the early 1950's. Only some arguments against the possibility of a finite Quantum Electrodynamics (1953) has caused a significant reaction and initiated a rather vehement discussion. In connection with these questions about the consistency of Quantum Electrodynamics there arises the problem of the high energy behaviour of the theory, since higher and higher energies will be available in future experiments. For these reasons I thought it quite useful to choose Quantum Electrodynamics at high energies as subject of this year's meetings and hope to meet the demands of both experimental and theoretical physi?? cists working in this field. Graz, October, 1965.… (altro)

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Whereas then' has been significant progress in various branches of elementary particle physics during the last decade or so, Quantum Electrodynamics seems to be in a somewhat stagnating phase. For people not involved in sophisticated questions of relativistic field theories the situation might appear as not very di(:ltinct from the time, when Schwinger, Feynman and Dyson publishl'ld their famous articles in the early 1950's. Only some arguments against the possibility of a finite Quantum Electrodynamics (1953) has caused a significant reaction and initiated a rather vehement discussion. In connection with these questions about the consistency of Quantum Electrodynamics there arises the problem of the high energy behaviour of the theory, since higher and higher energies will be available in future experiments. For these reasons I thought it quite useful to choose Quantum Electrodynamics at high energies as subject of this year's meetings and hope to meet the demands of both experimental and theoretical physi?? cists working in this field. Graz, October, 1965.

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