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Have Dog, Will Travel: A Poet's Journey di…
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Have Dog, Will Travel: A Poet's Journey (edizione 2018)

di Stephen Kuusisto (Autore)

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567477,205 (4.68)12
Biography & Autobiography. Pets. Nonfiction. HTML:In a lyrical love letter to guide dogs everywhere, a blind poet shares his delightful story of how a guide dog changed his life and helped him discover a newfound appreciation for travel and independence.
Stephen Kuusisto was born legally blind—but he was also raised in the 1950s and taught to deny his blindness in order to "pass" as sighted. Stephen attended public school, rode a bike, and read books pressed right up against his nose. As an adult, he coped with his limited vision by becoming a professor in a small college town, memorizing routes for all of the places he needed to be. Then, at the age of 38, he was laid off. With no other job opportunities in his vicinity, he would have to travel to find work.

This is how he found himself at Guiding Eyes paired with a Labrador named Corky. In this vivid and lyrical memoir, Stephen Kuusisto recounts how an incredible partnership with a guide dog changed his life and the heart-stopping, wondrous adventure that began for him in midlife. Profound and deeply moving, this is a spiritual journey, the story of discovering that life with a guide dog is both a method and a state of mind.
… (altro)
Titolo:Have Dog, Will Travel: A Poet's Journey
Autori:Stephen Kuusisto (Autore)
Info:Simon & Schuster (2018), 256 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:E-Audiobook, Guide Dogs, Disability, Blindness, TIOLI, 2024

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Have Dog, Will Travel: A Poet’s Journey di Stephen Kuusisto

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» Vedi le 12 citazioni

As a dog lover I really enjoyed this book and found the information on guide dogs and their history very interesting.
Enjoyed the audio version. ( )
  carolfoisset | Nov 24, 2022 |
My favorite memoirs are the ones that allow me to crawl inside another person's life and experience their struggles and triumphs while also learning about something I didn't previously know much about. This book gave me all the feels while also teaching me more about the history of seeing guide dogs. Just beautiful! ( )
  _debbie_ | Dec 17, 2021 |
Stephen and Corky, Corky and Stephen - their partnership gave Stephen the courage to live more fully, take risks, and view life with laughter and at times as a Buddhist. I highly recommend this delightful and honest memoir! ( )
  Lisa_Francine | Aug 5, 2020 |
As a child, Steve suffered abuse from an alcoholic mother who refused to admit he was disabled, even though he is legally blind. As an adult he stays in small areas where he knows every street, until he loses his job. Now forced to relocate he decides to admit his vulnerability and get a guide dog. This is the story of his trials and joys of living with a guide dog. There were a couple of spots where events weren't completely explained, but overall I found it interesting. ( )
  CaitZ | Jun 29, 2020 |
Why are we so curious about those with disabilities? Kuusisto explores our desire to understand and then answers our questions! Of course, his mother was ill, but it is nevertheless hard to forgive her for her cruelty. And his father! What a useless, clueless wimp!

It was a privilege to meet Miss Corky. Did every reader fall in love with her? It was bittersweet to find out that Steven and Corky were together to the very end. ( )
  kaulsu | Jul 19, 2018 |
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Biography & Autobiography. Pets. Nonfiction. HTML:In a lyrical love letter to guide dogs everywhere, a blind poet shares his delightful story of how a guide dog changed his life and helped him discover a newfound appreciation for travel and independence.
Stephen Kuusisto was born legally blind—but he was also raised in the 1950s and taught to deny his blindness in order to "pass" as sighted. Stephen attended public school, rode a bike, and read books pressed right up against his nose. As an adult, he coped with his limited vision by becoming a professor in a small college town, memorizing routes for all of the places he needed to be. Then, at the age of 38, he was laid off. With no other job opportunities in his vicinity, he would have to travel to find work.

This is how he found himself at Guiding Eyes paired with a Labrador named Corky. In this vivid and lyrical memoir, Stephen Kuusisto recounts how an incredible partnership with a guide dog changed his life and the heart-stopping, wondrous adventure that began for him in midlife. Profound and deeply moving, this is a spiritual journey, the story of discovering that life with a guide dog is both a method and a state of mind.

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