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Not For Tourists Guide to Chicago 2017

di Not for Tourists

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The Not For Tourists Guide to Chicago is a map-based, neighborhood-by-neighborhood dream guide that divides Chi-town into 60 mapped neighborhoods from Gold Coast and Lincoln Park to Wrigleyville and Lakeview. Designed to lighten the load of already street-savvy locals, commuters, business travelers, and yes, tourists too, every map is dotted with user-friendly NFT icons that plot the nearest essential services and entertainment locations, while providing important information on things like kid-friendly activities, public transportation, restaurants, bars, and Chicago's art scene. Need to find the best deep-dish pizza hideouts around? NFT has you covered. How about a list of the top sports attractions in the famously sports-crazy city? We've got that, too. The nearest beach, jazz club, coffee shop, or bookstore--whatever you need--NFT puts it at your fingertips. This book also features: * A foldout highway map * Sections on the North Side, Near North Side, Near West Side, the Greater Loop, the South Side, and Greater Chicago * More than 150 neighborhood and city maps It's the only key to the Windy City that Rahm Emanuel can't give you.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daChrisethier

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The Not For Tourists Guide to Chicago is a map-based, neighborhood-by-neighborhood dream guide that divides Chi-town into 60 mapped neighborhoods from Gold Coast and Lincoln Park to Wrigleyville and Lakeview. Designed to lighten the load of already street-savvy locals, commuters, business travelers, and yes, tourists too, every map is dotted with user-friendly NFT icons that plot the nearest essential services and entertainment locations, while providing important information on things like kid-friendly activities, public transportation, restaurants, bars, and Chicago's art scene. Need to find the best deep-dish pizza hideouts around? NFT has you covered. How about a list of the top sports attractions in the famously sports-crazy city? We've got that, too. The nearest beach, jazz club, coffee shop, or bookstore--whatever you need--NFT puts it at your fingertips. This book also features: * A foldout highway map * Sections on the North Side, Near North Side, Near West Side, the Greater Loop, the South Side, and Greater Chicago * More than 150 neighborhood and city maps It's the only key to the Windy City that Rahm Emanuel can't give you.

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