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L5R Creatures of Rokugan Third Edition (Legend of the Five Rings)

di Brian Bates

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Rokugan has never belonged to humans alone. Ages before the dawn of the Empire, great civilizations built by non-human races, such as the naga and ogres, marked the land. Though their civilizations are gone now, their descendants still dwell upon the earth and in the seas. Since the catastrophic Fall of Fu Leng, oni - spawn of Jigoku - and their terrible offspring have walked the Shadowlands and warred against the Empire without cease. A dazzling variety of creatures great and small have always been a part of this world - some fearsome, some benign, some visitors from Spirit Realms. No understanding of Rokugan would be complete without them. Creatures of Rokugan: Third Edition is a comprehensive catalogue of the remarkable creatures and monsters that populate Rokugan and the Shadowlands, presented to conform to Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Third Edition rules. You will meet all manner of creatures, spirits, oni and ghosts here, from the sorcerous ashalan to the bizarre zokujin: Over 200 entries, including some creatures never before described for any edition of Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game. Rules for creating naga and nezumi player characters. Detailed discussions of naga and nezumi history, society and culture, including their relationships with the Great Clans. Rules for creating shapeshifter player characters. Standardized sets of traits and abilities for various classes of creatures, to make them easier to use and remember. This book is a must-have resource for every Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game campaign. Creatures of Rokugan: Third Edition is a rules supplement, and its use requires the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Third Edition core rulebook. Book jacket.… (altro)
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Rokugan has never belonged to humans alone. Ages before the dawn of the Empire, great civilizations built by non-human races, such as the naga and ogres, marked the land. Though their civilizations are gone now, their descendants still dwell upon the earth and in the seas. Since the catastrophic Fall of Fu Leng, oni - spawn of Jigoku - and their terrible offspring have walked the Shadowlands and warred against the Empire without cease. A dazzling variety of creatures great and small have always been a part of this world - some fearsome, some benign, some visitors from Spirit Realms. No understanding of Rokugan would be complete without them. Creatures of Rokugan: Third Edition is a comprehensive catalogue of the remarkable creatures and monsters that populate Rokugan and the Shadowlands, presented to conform to Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Third Edition rules. You will meet all manner of creatures, spirits, oni and ghosts here, from the sorcerous ashalan to the bizarre zokujin: Over 200 entries, including some creatures never before described for any edition of Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game. Rules for creating naga and nezumi player characters. Detailed discussions of naga and nezumi history, society and culture, including their relationships with the Great Clans. Rules for creating shapeshifter player characters. Standardized sets of traits and abilities for various classes of creatures, to make them easier to use and remember. This book is a must-have resource for every Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game campaign. Creatures of Rokugan: Third Edition is a rules supplement, and its use requires the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Third Edition core rulebook. Book jacket.

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