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The Great Santa Search (The Santa…
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The Great Santa Search (The Santa Chronicles) (originale 2006; edizione 2007)

di Jeff Guinn (Autore)

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1404199,658 (3.63)5
This follow-up to Jeff Guinn's bestselling holiday favorites The Autobiography of Santa Claus and How Mrs. Claus Saved Christmas takes readers on a sleigh ride through the history of Christmas in America that lands smack-dab in 2006, as a new reality TV show threatens to destroy the true spirit of Christmas. This third installment in Jeff Guinn's bestselling Christmas Chronicles series finds Santa facing perhaps the biggest challenge of his career. As Santa himself relates in this delightful holiday read, the trouble began in 1841, when a Philadelphia merchant named J. W. Parkinson hired a neighbor to dress as Kris Kringle in order to lure shoppers into his dry-goods store. Much to Santa's chagrin, it's been pretty much downhill since. It seems everybody wants a piece of Christmas, and through the years it has gotten worse- to the point that not a Christmas can go by without phony Santas posing on street corners across the country. But when, in 2006, it's announced that a new reality TV show called The Great Santa Search will feature a competition to find the "real" St. Nicholas, Santa knows it's time to step in! With all the rich historical detail and glorious Christmas cheer that made The Autobiography of Santa Claus and How Mrs. Claus Saved Christmas treasured family favorites, The Great Santa Search is destined to become yet another Christmas classic from Jeff Guinn.… (altro)
Titolo:The Great Santa Search (The Santa Chronicles)
Autori:Jeff Guinn (Autore)
Info:TarcherPerigee (2007), 336 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The Great Santa Search di Jeff Guinn (2006)

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Told as by Santa, the Great Santa Search is an interesting, entertaining Christmas read. The true meaning of Christmas is made apparent by Santa. Bobo Butler finds the perfect Christmas special, a reality TV show that will declare the official Santa, to save FUN-TV. ( )
  sar96 | Jan 2, 2014 |
Told as by Santa, the Great Santa Search is an interesting, entertaining Christmas read. The true meaning of Christmas is made apparent by Santa. Bobo Butler finds the perfect Christmas special, a reality TV show that will declare the official Santa, to save FUN-TV. ( )
  sar96 | Jan 2, 2014 |
I liked this book and took it like it was a really good fantasy read. I am very much a big kid and I loved the book. ( )
  chaoscat60 | Dec 26, 2007 |
Learned about Christmas and Santa while being thoroughly entertained. ( )
  chowards | Jan 13, 2007 |
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For Felix Higgins
Lunch is on me
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Foreword: You don't live as long as I have - more than seventeen hundred years so far, and counting - without becoming something of a philosopher.
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This follow-up to Jeff Guinn's bestselling holiday favorites The Autobiography of Santa Claus and How Mrs. Claus Saved Christmas takes readers on a sleigh ride through the history of Christmas in America that lands smack-dab in 2006, as a new reality TV show threatens to destroy the true spirit of Christmas. This third installment in Jeff Guinn's bestselling Christmas Chronicles series finds Santa facing perhaps the biggest challenge of his career. As Santa himself relates in this delightful holiday read, the trouble began in 1841, when a Philadelphia merchant named J. W. Parkinson hired a neighbor to dress as Kris Kringle in order to lure shoppers into his dry-goods store. Much to Santa's chagrin, it's been pretty much downhill since. It seems everybody wants a piece of Christmas, and through the years it has gotten worse- to the point that not a Christmas can go by without phony Santas posing on street corners across the country. But when, in 2006, it's announced that a new reality TV show called The Great Santa Search will feature a competition to find the "real" St. Nicholas, Santa knows it's time to step in! With all the rich historical detail and glorious Christmas cheer that made The Autobiography of Santa Claus and How Mrs. Claus Saved Christmas treasured family favorites, The Great Santa Search is destined to become yet another Christmas classic from Jeff Guinn.

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