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Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver…
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Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver (edizione 2017)

di Mary Oliver (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,2401916,068 (4.42)53
"Throughout her celebrated career, Mary Oliver has touched countless readers with her brilliantly crafted verse, expounding on her love for the physical world and the powerful bonds between all living things. Identified as "far and away, this country's best selling poet" by Dwight Garner, she now returns with a stunning and definitive collection of her writing from the last fifty years. Carefully curated, these 200 plus poems feature Oliver's work from her very first book of poetry, No Voyage and Other Poems, published in 1963 at the age of 28, through her most recent collection, Felicity, published in 2015."--… (altro)
Titolo:Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver
Autori:Mary Oliver (Autore)
Info:Penguin Press (2017), Edition: First Edition, 480 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver di Mary Oliver

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» Vedi le 53 citazioni

Pleasant poems about nature
  spiritedstardust | Jun 1, 2024 |
I have come to believe that 2023 will go down in my memory as The Year I Appreciated Poetry. [a:Mary Oliver|23988|Mary Oliver|]'s collection is the thing that cemented this designation. I am so lucky to have tumbled onto it. The editors made an interesting choice for a collection that spans the author's entire career by ordering it with the most recent poems first and working backward to her earliest. This was a wise choice because her later work is imbued with a subtlety and simplicity that some of her earlier work does not quite possess. Even before finishing this volume, I purchased [b:Blue Horses|20821239|Blue Horses|Mary Oliver||40167110]. I look forward to settling in with it over the holidays. ( )
  Treebeard_404 | Jan 23, 2024 |
I will never get tired of reading her poetry. ( )
  wvlibrarydude | Jan 14, 2024 |
Gorgeous, inspirational poems. I will be reading this book again and again, I think. ( )
  ladycato | Jul 10, 2023 |
I'm vaguely aware that many of the Guardians of Poesy aren't fans of Oliver but I enjoyed this collection. Mostly nature poems, I read a few a day and found them soothing and, at the same time, insightful. ( )
  heggiep | Jul 4, 2023 |
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"Throughout her celebrated career, Mary Oliver has touched countless readers with her brilliantly crafted verse, expounding on her love for the physical world and the powerful bonds between all living things. Identified as "far and away, this country's best selling poet" by Dwight Garner, she now returns with a stunning and definitive collection of her writing from the last fifty years. Carefully curated, these 200 plus poems feature Oliver's work from her very first book of poetry, No Voyage and Other Poems, published in 1963 at the age of 28, through her most recent collection, Felicity, published in 2015."--

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