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Bookish Boyfriends: A Date with Darcy di…
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Bookish Boyfriends: A Date with Darcy (edizione 2018)

di Tiffany Schmidt (Autore)

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1446196,477 (3.44)1
Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

Boys are so much better in books. At least according to Merrilee Campbell, fifteen, who thinks real-life chivalry is dead and there'd be nothing more romantic than having a guy woo her like the heroes in classic stories. Then she, her best friend, Eliza, and her younger sister, Rory, transfer to Reginald R. Hero Prepwhere all the boys look like they've stepped off the pages of a romance novel. Merri can hardly walk across the quad without running into someone who reminds her of Romeo.

When the brooding and complicated Monroe Stratford scales Merri's trellis in an effort to make her his, she thinks she might be Juliet incarnate. But as she works her way through her literature curriculum under the guidance of an enigmatic teacher, Merri's tale begins to unfold in ways she couldn't have imagined. Merri soon realizes that only she is in charge of her story. And it is a truth universally acknowledged that first impressions can be deceiving . . .

.… (altro)
Titolo:Bookish Boyfriends: A Date with Darcy
Autori:Tiffany Schmidt (Autore)
Info:Amulet Paperbacks (2018), 400 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Un amore da favola. Ti sogno da sempre di Tiffany Schmidt

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Saw this at the library and the idea was so cute I had to get it.

Book obsessed teenager who says “book boys are soooo much better than real boys” transfers to a new school (that *might* have a magic English teacher) and suddenly starts interacting with HS books who are just like the characters in the books she’s assigned (Hello there, Romeo & Mr. Darcy)

Silly but also cute. Love the relationships with for sisters & friends as well as the literary angle to the romance plots. It’s a fun series but due to the constraints of the plot the characters can be a little over the top.
( )
  hmonkeyreads | Jan 25, 2024 |
3. 5 Stars

CW: eating disorder mentioned

Well that was cute and fun!

I love retellings/reimaginings and of course reading, and this is a lovely book about both! I enjoyed that there was a lot of discussion about literature, and it is my fervent hope that the books in this series encourage teens to pick up the classic novels or plays referenced. P and P is one of my favourite books and I think this was a reasonable and accessible modern YA interpretation of this great novel. ( )
  Mrs_Tapsell_Bookzone | Feb 14, 2023 |
This book just sucked me in. I had an idea of what I was getting into when I started this book, but it completely blew my mind. I connected to the characters and loved the side characters as well. My favorite character is actually Ms. Gregoire. I would love to read more about her and what she is really up too. There are so many more stories that could come into the series. I cannot wait to read more. ( )
  LVStrongPuff | Nov 30, 2022 |
Merrilee has read too many books and is too quick to see herself as the heroine of her own romantic story. A budding romance with Monroe convinces her that she is living out Romeo and Juliet. But over the course of the story, Merrilee begins to see that her own story is more interesting than anything she can read in books. There are nice nods to Pride & Prejudice as well. ( )
  tjsjohanna | Jan 13, 2020 |
Oh my goodness! This book was a painful read. When I read the premise, I thought I would be able to relate to Merrilee since she preferred book boys to their real-life counterparts, and I felt exactly the same way when I was a teen. However, the writing was awful and it took me forever to plough my way through this novel. ( )
  HeatherLINC | Jul 2, 2018 |
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Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

Boys are so much better in books. At least according to Merrilee Campbell, fifteen, who thinks real-life chivalry is dead and there'd be nothing more romantic than having a guy woo her like the heroes in classic stories. Then she, her best friend, Eliza, and her younger sister, Rory, transfer to Reginald R. Hero Prepwhere all the boys look like they've stepped off the pages of a romance novel. Merri can hardly walk across the quad without running into someone who reminds her of Romeo.

When the brooding and complicated Monroe Stratford scales Merri's trellis in an effort to make her his, she thinks she might be Juliet incarnate. But as she works her way through her literature curriculum under the guidance of an enigmatic teacher, Merri's tale begins to unfold in ways she couldn't have imagined. Merri soon realizes that only she is in charge of her story. And it is a truth universally acknowledged that first impressions can be deceiving . . .


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