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The Snatchers / Clean Break (The Killing) (Starkhouse Crime Classics)

di Lionel White

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"Two classic heists... THE SNATCHERS Cal Dent has set up the perfect crime, a kidnapping which will bring the gang a half a million dollars. On his side, he's got Red the ex-boxer and his girl, Pearl, and twitchy Gino, plus Fats Morn, their outside man. The heist goes smoothly. They've got the kid and her caretaker, and they're holding up in a vacation rental at Land's End, waiting for the payoff. That's when things start to go wrong. A local cop comes noising around. Gino gets careless inflicting pain on the child and Red beats the hell out of him. Pearl gets drunk and doesn't stick to the plan. And then there's Terry, the caretaker. After all this time in and out of the joint, who knew that Dent would find himself having feelings for another person. It was the perfect could it go so wrong? CLEAN BREAK When Johnny gets out after four long, patient years, he is ready to pull the perfect heist. "That's the beauty of this thing," Johnny told her. "I'm avoiding the one mistake most thieves make. They always tie up with other thieves. These men, the ones who are in on the deal with me--none of them are professional crooks. They all have jobs, they all live seemingly decent, normal lives. But they all have money problems and they all have larceny in them. No, you don't have to worry. This thing is going to be foolproof." And it was, until Sherry enters the scene"… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dadrrandyc, Jonmichael, miguel.catalan, A.Walter
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"Two classic heists... THE SNATCHERS Cal Dent has set up the perfect crime, a kidnapping which will bring the gang a half a million dollars. On his side, he's got Red the ex-boxer and his girl, Pearl, and twitchy Gino, plus Fats Morn, their outside man. The heist goes smoothly. They've got the kid and her caretaker, and they're holding up in a vacation rental at Land's End, waiting for the payoff. That's when things start to go wrong. A local cop comes noising around. Gino gets careless inflicting pain on the child and Red beats the hell out of him. Pearl gets drunk and doesn't stick to the plan. And then there's Terry, the caretaker. After all this time in and out of the joint, who knew that Dent would find himself having feelings for another person. It was the perfect could it go so wrong? CLEAN BREAK When Johnny gets out after four long, patient years, he is ready to pull the perfect heist. "That's the beauty of this thing," Johnny told her. "I'm avoiding the one mistake most thieves make. They always tie up with other thieves. These men, the ones who are in on the deal with me--none of them are professional crooks. They all have jobs, they all live seemingly decent, normal lives. But they all have money problems and they all have larceny in them. No, you don't have to worry. This thing is going to be foolproof." And it was, until Sherry enters the scene"

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