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Pete the Cat and the Lost Tooth (My First I…
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Pete the Cat and the Lost Tooth (My First I Can Read) (edizione 2017)

di James Dean (Autore)

Serie: Pete the Cat (I Can Read Book)

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New York Times best-selling author and artist James Dean brings listeners along for a fun and surprising adventure with Pete the cat! In Pete the Cat and the Lost Tooth, the tooth fairy asks Pete for some help. But it's not easy being the tooth fairy for Pete when a tooth goes missing - will he be able to find the lost tooth before it's too late? Beginning readers and listeners will love Pete's adventure as the tooth fairy in this My First I Can Read story. My First I Can Read books are perfect for shared listening with a child.… (altro)
Titolo:Pete the Cat and the Lost Tooth (My First I Can Read)
Autori:James Dean (Autore)
Info:HarperCollins (2017), Edition: Illustrated, 32 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Pete the Cat and the Lost Tooth (My First I Can Read) di James Dean

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Another hit with my Head Start students! ( )
  daffodile | Dec 31, 2021 |
Great story for kiddos to read on their own as it is an easy read for beginning readers. It would be a perfect book for children who are about to loose their baby teeth.
  mackenziemitchell | Oct 5, 2020 |
Pete the Cat helps the tooth fairy one night.
  CECC9 | Jun 18, 2018 |
  icelibrary | Aug 13, 2019 |
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New York Times best-selling author and artist James Dean brings listeners along for a fun and surprising adventure with Pete the cat! In Pete the Cat and the Lost Tooth, the tooth fairy asks Pete for some help. But it's not easy being the tooth fairy for Pete when a tooth goes missing - will he be able to find the lost tooth before it's too late? Beginning readers and listeners will love Pete's adventure as the tooth fairy in this My First I Can Read story. My First I Can Read books are perfect for shared listening with a child.

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