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Marry in Scandal (Marriage of Convenience,…
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Marry in Scandal (Marriage of Convenience, Band 2) (edizione 2018)

di Anne Gracie (Autor)

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1088260,940 (3.77)7
Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:A shy heiress and a well-known rake face a scandal-forced marriage that might be true love in the latest irresistible romance from the national bestselling author of Marry in Haste.

Shy young heiress, Lady Lily Rutherford, is in no hurry to marry. She dreams of true love and a real courtship. But when disaster strikes, she finds herself facing a scandal-forced marriage to her rescuer, Edward Galbraith, a well known rake.

Despite his reputation Lily is drawn to the handsome Galbraith. In the gamble of her life, she agrees to marry him, hoping to turn a convenient marriage into a love match.

As heir to a title, Galbraith knows he must wed, so a convenient marriage suits him perfectly. But there is a darkness in his past, and secrets he refuses to share with his tender-hearted young bride. All Lily's efforts to get close to him fall on stony ground, and in desperation she retreats to his childhood home??the place he's avoided for nearly a decade.

Must Lily reconcile herself to a marriage without love? Or will Galbraith realize that this warm-hearted, loving girl is the key to healing the wounds of his past??and his
… (altro)
Titolo:Marry in Scandal (Marriage of Convenience, Band 2)
Autori:Anne Gracie (Autor)
Info:Berkley (2018), 336 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Marry in Scandal di Anne Gracie

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» Vedi le 7 citazioni

I liked this slight variation on a "marriage of convenience" romance. Usually examples using this trope have the hero and heroine discovered in some scandalous situation and they are forced to marry. In this one, the circumstances surrounding the scandal are more complex and take up much of the novel; to wit, Lily is abducted by a baddie who wants to force her into marriage so he can gain her inheritance, but she is rescued by her brother's friend and must accompany him back to London. During the journey, the two get to know a bit about each other, so the eventual marriage wasn't as cringe-inducing as they sometimes are in historical romances. Both Lily and Ned are keeping secrets, but all is overcome and they live happily ever after.

This was an above-average historical romance read for me. It's the second in a series, so I will definitely go back to read the first. ( )
  katiekrug | Nov 26, 2023 |
comfort read. The only real problem is that this author's characters can seem very similar from book to book. ( )
  Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
This was very enjoyable. I like that the heroine was a very sweet person, but not helpless. And that she had a few significant challenges to deal with. It took a bit longer for me to find the hero all that special, but I did enjoy all the perspective we got in his head- a cool facade outwardly, a not nearly so reserved inner world. =D The more he started cracking and showing his feelings on the outside the more I liked him. It was also fun to see some cameos from the Chance Sisters series. ( )
  JorgeousJotts | Dec 3, 2021 |
My Rating: 4.5 Stars

If you read the first book in this series, Marry in Haste, you will be familiar with Lady Lily Rutherford. If not, this book will still be sure to captivate your attention as Lily's story is quite engaging. Lily isn't looking for marriage, but she certainly hopes for true love. Instead, she is not pleased to find herself facing marriage to Edward Galbraith, due to a scandal. It really is disturbing to her that he is a rake with quite a reputation.

At the tender age of 18, Lily is more than a bit naive. Lily must face one fact ... she is more than drawn to him. So agreeing to marry Edward might not end up being the worst thing that could happen to her. Now, if she could just get him to have feelings for her. However, Edward has had a difficult past, and does his very best to keep his heart under lock and key.

As far as how Lily and Edward got together. Well, he was her savior. After rescuing Lily, all he wanted to do was to keep her safe until he could return her to her family. Meanwhile, there was a man who put Lily in danger, and that is something that Edward will never forget. Although he is more than honorable, and despite the fact that he worked hard to maintain Lily's reputation, the pair do end up together.

One thing about Lily is that she has never been able to learn to read, and this is a huge part of who she is, and therefore, this becomes part of this story. Meanwhile, since this is part of a series, we see Lily's family occasionally. What's more is there is a special character who I was rather fond of, and that it Edward's grandfather. So, just as in the first book in series, family connections were part of this story.

I love how Lily's learning disorder was handled, and also enjoyed how Edward was able to face his past. This was a terrific read and a delightful part of an enjoyable series. The next book, Marry in Secret, was another very good read. ( )
  RobinLovesReading | Oct 25, 2019 |
4.5/5 stars! ( )
  mary23nm | Feb 27, 2019 |
Marry in Scandal by Anne Gracie
Historical Romance -April 3rd, 2018
4 1/2 stars

Anne Gracie's newest Regency romance is like reading sunshine. A fresh novel filled with romantic innocence.

Lady Lily Rutherford is sweet and, perhaps, too soft-hearted. When she tries to help someone who she believes is her friend, she finds herself being abducted by a nefarious villain instead! But Lily uses her resourcefulness to escape and finds assistance from an unexpected source, the dashing rake Edward Galbraith. Surprisingly this rake has a kind heart. He protects Lily and attempts to shelter her from scandal while trying to return her to her beloved family. Their trip has an unexpected side effect -a mutual attraction that Edward fears. He knows that Lily is too good for him. But when word of their time together is spread by malicious gossip, they must marry in haste to protect her reputation. Will a marriage built on convenience ever find love?

Ann Grace's writing has rare depth. Lily is not the typical heroine. She has a disability which makes her life more difficult, but she uses her optimism and love of life to overcome her insecurities. Instead of becoming reclusive or bitter, she still sees the best in others and tries to help them. Edward, although young, has suffered greatly. His guilt and sense of responsibility have changed his behavior to the point that he does not seem to care for his life. He is intent on punishing himself and unfortunately those that love him. When he feels forced to protect Lily by marrying her, he must confront his demons. While this book explores Lily's new sense of independence it also more remarkably journeys through Edward's transformation and self-forgiveness. This romance novel may seem simple, but it has a quiet sweetness that could only be written by a master. (But that does not mean there aren't many passionate scenes as Lily is no shy miss!)

This uplifting romance will bring joy to readers looking for endearing character and smoldering, yet quiet emotional read.

Reviewed by Steph from the Bookaholics Romance Book Club

» Aggiungi altri autori

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Anne Gracieautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Larkin, AllisonNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Oberrender, SarahProgetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Rosario, Kristen delDesignerautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
York, JudyImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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To all those doing battle with reading disabilities,
including the many I've taught over the years
in adult literacy classes.
Bet you never thought you'd have
a book dedicated to you, did you?
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Ashendon Court, Oxfordshire, 1811

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Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:A shy heiress and a well-known rake face a scandal-forced marriage that might be true love in the latest irresistible romance from the national bestselling author of Marry in Haste.

Shy young heiress, Lady Lily Rutherford, is in no hurry to marry. She dreams of true love and a real courtship. But when disaster strikes, she finds herself facing a scandal-forced marriage to her rescuer, Edward Galbraith, a well known rake.

Despite his reputation Lily is drawn to the handsome Galbraith. In the gamble of her life, she agrees to marry him, hoping to turn a convenient marriage into a love match.

As heir to a title, Galbraith knows he must wed, so a convenient marriage suits him perfectly. But there is a darkness in his past, and secrets he refuses to share with his tender-hearted young bride. All Lily's efforts to get close to him fall on stony ground, and in desperation she retreats to his childhood home??the place he's avoided for nearly a decade.

Must Lily reconcile herself to a marriage without love? Or will Galbraith realize that this warm-hearted, loving girl is the key to healing the wounds of his past??and his

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