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Masters of the Pit di Michael Moorcock
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Masters of the Pit (originale 1965; edizione 1971)

di Michael Moorcock (Autore)

Serie: Kane of Old Mars (book 3), The Eternal Champion (Kane of Old Mars book 3)

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Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion returns in the form of MichaelKane, a brilliant Earthman stranded on the treacherous deserts of Ancient Mars! In this sweeping, epic sword-and-planet adventure in the tradition of EdgarRice Burroughs, Kane and his blue giant companion Hool Haji must travel to thefar reaches of the Red Planet to halt the hideous Green Death, an unstoppabledisease that rots the mind as well as the body. From gorgeous Karnala, City ofGreen Mists, to the empty streets of tainted Cend-Amrid to the forgottenweird-science laboratories of the lost, highly advanced Yaksha culture,Masters of the Pit promises stunning locales, disgusting Martiancreatures, and relentless action from the Nebula and World Fantasy Award-winningcreator of Elric of Melniboné!… (altro)
Titolo:Masters of the Pit
Autori:Michael Moorcock (Autore)
Info:New English Library Ltd (1971), 128 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

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The Masters of the Pit di Michael Moorcock (1965)

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This was in a way the weakest and strongest of the three books in this trilogy about old Mars, odd as that may sound. By the midway point I almost wanted to give the book up, it had gotten impossibly convoluted; side-adventure within side-adventure. Plus some somewhat absurd-looking (described?) creatures became a prominent part of the story for a few chapters. I persevered, though, and actually found the ending a bit touching, and a nice, meaningful way to end the final story in the series. So, overall a mixed bag, but if you‰ÃƒÂ›Ã‚ªve read the other two books, you might as well finish the series. ( )
  michaeladams1979 | Oct 11, 2018 |
Enjoyable trilogy as an alternative to Burroughs' Barsoom works. ( )
  jennorthcoast | Sep 13, 2012 |
Michael Kane heads back to Mars again, and this time, it's personal. He battles barbarians, dog people, bats, plague and beasties the likes of which would turn a grown man's stash of intestinal fortitude into a quivering mound of mellow yellow jello. Of course, Kane just eats that shit for breakfast! And then asks for a side of non-violence to go with his mound of dead bodies. All in good fun. ( )
1 vota helver | Jun 3, 2012 |
Another of Moorcock's 'Burroughs type' fantasy novels from the early 60's. This will be a good read for anyone who is a fan of Burrough's style. ( )
  Karlstar | Sep 9, 2008 |
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Michael Moorcockautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Clifton-Dey, RichardImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Morrow, GrayImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Steranko, JimImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Vallejo, DorianImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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For Mr. Chip Delaney of San Francisco
and Sister Mary Eugene of Bon Secours Convent,
Derby Pennsylvania
- the sickness is Fear and 
the remedy is Faith -
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Sitting in my study one autumn night, a small fire burning in the grate taking the chill off a room filled with the scents of oncoming winter, I heard a footfall in the hall below.
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Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion returns in the form of MichaelKane, a brilliant Earthman stranded on the treacherous deserts of Ancient Mars! In this sweeping, epic sword-and-planet adventure in the tradition of EdgarRice Burroughs, Kane and his blue giant companion Hool Haji must travel to thefar reaches of the Red Planet to halt the hideous Green Death, an unstoppabledisease that rots the mind as well as the body. From gorgeous Karnala, City ofGreen Mists, to the empty streets of tainted Cend-Amrid to the forgottenweird-science laboratories of the lost, highly advanced Yaksha culture,Masters of the Pit promises stunning locales, disgusting Martiancreatures, and relentless action from the Nebula and World Fantasy Award-winningcreator of Elric of Melniboné!

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