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Not Safe for Work: A Billionaire Menage Novella (2017)

di Charlotte Stein

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6Nessuno2,699,166 (4.33)Nessuno
"Employees must maintain clear boundaries between personal and professional relationships and conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to the office ..." When Hartford brings in Abel Hernandez as the new CEO for his company Hartford Industries, he's prepared for Abel to shake things up ... but not quite like this and certainly not with his personal assistant Amy, the one woman he's always wanted but never taken. He sees them breaking all of his precious rules, and he intends to reprimand them for it. The only problem is, it isn't anger he feels towards his two most trusted employees ... it's possession. It's desire. Originally published in the Filthy & Rich box set, get ready for some #NSFW action in Charlotte Stein's sizzling standalone novella featuring two billionaires and the woman caught between them. Not Safe for Work is your dirtiest boss-secretary fantasies come to life… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dabit-of-a-list-tiger, Shelda17
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"Employees must maintain clear boundaries between personal and professional relationships and conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to the office ..." When Hartford brings in Abel Hernandez as the new CEO for his company Hartford Industries, he's prepared for Abel to shake things up ... but not quite like this and certainly not with his personal assistant Amy, the one woman he's always wanted but never taken. He sees them breaking all of his precious rules, and he intends to reprimand them for it. The only problem is, it isn't anger he feels towards his two most trusted employees ... it's possession. It's desire. Originally published in the Filthy & Rich box set, get ready for some #NSFW action in Charlotte Stein's sizzling standalone novella featuring two billionaires and the woman caught between them. Not Safe for Work is your dirtiest boss-secretary fantasies come to life

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