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Zollinger's Atlas of Surgical Operations, Ninth Edition (1937)

di Robert Milton Zollinger, E. Christopher Ellison

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The classic step-by-step atlas of general surgery procedures - now in color and updated with the latest laparoscopic operations A Doody's Core Title for 2011! 1615 color-highlighted illustrations "...a beautifully illustrated atlas of modern surgical procedures....While in other atlases line drawings may simplify and operative photographs may add realism, the illustrations in this atlas allow the surgeon to visualize both the anatomy and the operation. Beyond this, the softly colored illustrations are aesthetically pleasing and invite reading of the accompanying narrative....In sum, while the ninth edition of Zollinger's Atlas of Surgical Operations differs from the early editions in many ways, it nonetheless evokes the enduring qualities of its predecessors and will guide yet another generation of surgeons."--JAMA For more than half-a-century, Zollinger's Atlas of Surgical Operations has been the gold-standard reference for learning how to perform the most common surgical procedures using safe, well-established techniques. The ninth edition continues this tradition of excellence with the addition of color illustrations and coverage of more than 230 procedures, including many of the most important laparoscopic operations. Following the proven effective design of previous editions, each procedure is fully explained on two pages. The right page contains beautifully rendered line drawings with color highlights that depict every important action a surgeon must consider while performing the operation. The facing page includes consistently formatted coverage of indications, preoperative preparation, anesthesia, position, operative preparation, incision and exposure, procedure, closure, and postoperative care. Features Coverage of gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, pancreatic, vascular, gynecologic, and additional procedures, including hernia repair, vascular access, breast procedures, sentinel lymph node biopsy, thyroidectomy, and many more New: coverage of the latest laparoscopic procedures, including right and left colectomy, distal pancreatectomy with splenic preservation, right and left adrenalectomy, bariatric roux-en-Y gastric bypass and adjustable gastric banding, and more Time-tested, updated, and enhanced by color, Zollinger's remains the ultimate teaching atlas of surgery.… (altro)
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Robert Milton Zollingerautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Ellison, E. Christopherautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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The discipline of general surgery continues to evolve and it is significantly different today from that which Drs. Cutler and Zollinger addressed in the first edition of this Atlas of Surgical Operations published in 1937.
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The classic step-by-step atlas of general surgery procedures - now in color and updated with the latest laparoscopic operations A Doody's Core Title for 2011! 1615 color-highlighted illustrations "...a beautifully illustrated atlas of modern surgical procedures....While in other atlases line drawings may simplify and operative photographs may add realism, the illustrations in this atlas allow the surgeon to visualize both the anatomy and the operation. Beyond this, the softly colored illustrations are aesthetically pleasing and invite reading of the accompanying narrative....In sum, while the ninth edition of Zollinger's Atlas of Surgical Operations differs from the early editions in many ways, it nonetheless evokes the enduring qualities of its predecessors and will guide yet another generation of surgeons."--JAMA For more than half-a-century, Zollinger's Atlas of Surgical Operations has been the gold-standard reference for learning how to perform the most common surgical procedures using safe, well-established techniques. The ninth edition continues this tradition of excellence with the addition of color illustrations and coverage of more than 230 procedures, including many of the most important laparoscopic operations. Following the proven effective design of previous editions, each procedure is fully explained on two pages. The right page contains beautifully rendered line drawings with color highlights that depict every important action a surgeon must consider while performing the operation. The facing page includes consistently formatted coverage of indications, preoperative preparation, anesthesia, position, operative preparation, incision and exposure, procedure, closure, and postoperative care. Features Coverage of gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, pancreatic, vascular, gynecologic, and additional procedures, including hernia repair, vascular access, breast procedures, sentinel lymph node biopsy, thyroidectomy, and many more New: coverage of the latest laparoscopic procedures, including right and left colectomy, distal pancreatectomy with splenic preservation, right and left adrenalectomy, bariatric roux-en-Y gastric bypass and adjustable gastric banding, and more Time-tested, updated, and enhanced by color, Zollinger's remains the ultimate teaching atlas of surgery.

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