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Yotsubato! Vol. 1 (Yotsubato!) (in Japanese)…
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Yotsubato! Vol. 1 (Yotsubato!) (in Japanese) (Japanese Edition) (edizione 2000)

di Kiyohiko Azuma (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,3463314,648 (4.27)45
Presents the exploits of Yotsuba, a young girl of alien origins who has been adopted by a single father, as she befuddles friends and neighbors and learns about life.
Titolo:Yotsubato! Vol. 1 (Yotsubato!) (in Japanese) (Japanese Edition)
Autori:Kiyohiko Azuma (Autore)
Info:Media works (2000), 224 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:to-read, books-i-own, Goodreads

Informazioni sull'opera

YOTSUBA&!, Volume 1 di Kiyohiko Azuma

  1. 70
    Azumanga Daioh, Volume 1 di Kiyohiko Azuma (littlebearries)
    littlebearries: By the same creator, the characters in this story are older... but just as cute.
  2. 30
    Bunny Drop, Vol. 1 di Yumi Unita (keristars)
    keristars: Both of these are about a 5-year-old girl who has been taken in by an unmarried young man. They each use humor and the illustrative medium to great effect, though Usagi Drop has a more serious tone than Yotsuba&! - this difference is primarily because one series is more concerned with the adoptive father's story (Usagi Drop), while the other is more concerned with the little girl (Yostuba&!).… (altro)
  3. 20
    Chi's Sweet Home, Volume 1 di Kanata Konami (questionablepotato)
  4. 00
    Dr. Slump, Volume 01 di Akira Toriyama (scotchpenicillin)
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» Vedi le 45 citazioni

Yotsuba&! is hilarious and has became a comfort manga for me. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes comedy manga. The series is hard to find in bookstores, but if you come across it, it's worth picking up. ( )
  CoffeeAndRamune | Jul 9, 2024 |
Wow, very bizarre. This episodic manga is about a young girl - Yotsuba - moving to a new town with her Dad, and meeting the family of a mother and three daughters that lives next door. Somehow the endearingly obnoxious Yotsuba charms her neighbours more than she annoys, and miraculously has the same effect on this reader too. I'm not sure why this is so appealing - the stories are very episodic and really pretty slight with little true plot development over this volume. But the depiction of Yotsuba, with her confusion and capriciousness and curiosity is really entertaining and endearing.

I'm not giving it a rating as I wouldn't know whether to give it 2 stars for being so slight or 5 stars for being so well done.
  thisisstephenbetts | Nov 25, 2023 |
This manga is so wholesome! The silly humour and cute moments are just my thing when I need to relax. It's a quick fun read that brings me so much joy and I love it very much. The characters are realistic and as silly as people I meet in my everyday life. The relationship between father and daughter and the friendships are just so amazing and sweet.
No darkness and drama, just cutesy wholesomeness which I need from time to time. ( )
  elderlingfae | Aug 11, 2022 |
Yotsuba Koiwai is a 5 year old girl who moves to a new town with her adoptive Dad. Yotsuba is a very energetic, curious, and naïve child who loves exploring new things. This "slice of life" style manga has no immediate plotline, but follows Yotsuba as she makes friends and discovers life in a new place. This is a very positive book and series with very lovable characters. Cute illustrations that can be enjoyed by any age. Very pleasant read overall. This is the first volume of 15, and Kihohiko Azuma is still writing.
1 vota DYangg | Jul 28, 2022 |
Currentlt re-reading this series and its SO GOOD. I love the slice-of -life aspects and wholesomeness. ( )
  ReadSmoore101 | Mar 29, 2022 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (11 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Kiyohiko Azumaautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Chauviré, EveTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Forsyth, AmyTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Lopez, JavierTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Wehner, MarcusÜbersetzerautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Yen Press acquired this license and has republished the series with new translations. Originally published by ADV
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Wikipedia in inglese (3)

Presents the exploits of Yotsuba, a young girl of alien origins who has been adopted by a single father, as she befuddles friends and neighbors and learns about life.

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Riassunto haiku

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Media: (4.27)
1 4
2 9
2.5 1
3 40
3.5 11
4 109
4.5 13
5 167

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