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The X-Files: Earth Children Are Weird: A…
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The X-Files: Earth Children Are Weird: A Picture Book (Pop Classics) (edizione 2017)

di Kim Smith (Illustratore)

Serie: POP Classics (2)

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1015278,158 (3.93)1
"Best pals Dana (Scully) and Fox (Mulder) have pitched a tent in the backyard for a sleepover. But the night is full of strange sounds, lights, and shadows. Surely there's a rational, scientific explanation for everything...or is there?"--Publisher's website.
Titolo:The X-Files: Earth Children Are Weird: A Picture Book (Pop Classics)
Autori:Kim Smith (Illustratore)
Info:Quirk Books (2017), Edition: Illustrated, 40 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Science Fiction (Ages 5-8)

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The X-Files: Earth Children Are Weird di Kim Smith

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Independent Reading Level: 1st- 3rd grade.
  bryannamiddleton99 | Apr 29, 2024 |
I have quite a few books in this series but have yet to read any of them. So this was my first, and I truly loved it. It took the idea of the X Files but made it approachable for the youngest audiences. It got at the heart of Mulder who is always worried that life on other plants will wipe humanity out, and Dana the no nonsense, use your head realist. It was loving done, and something both fans and newbies will enjoy.
+16 #TBRread
#MountTBR ( )
  LibrarianRyan | Dec 16, 2019 |
This book is fucking adorable and I love it and everyone needs to read it now because its super cute and funny and omg. ( )
  Shahnareads | Oct 22, 2019 |
Young Fox and Dana are backyard camping when Fox can't help but wonder that aliens are real, finding "evidence" to support his theory everywhere while Dana refutes these claims with facts.

This is a cute book for die-hard fans of the TV show The X-Files, especially if they want to introduce the characters and high-level concepts from the show to their young children in a non-scary way. Like the show, both science and the paranormal have a chance to be correct in this story, with an unsettling conclusion.

Obviously, despite having show creator Chris Carter's seal of approval, the book is not canon as Scully and Mulder did not know each other as children (and have some years between them, unlike the two children portrayed here who appear to be of the same age). The illustrations are bright and lively, and are a convincing portrait of what the characters might have looked like as children. ( )
  sweetiegherkin | May 8, 2018 |
Oozing cuteness, this children's book nailed the essence of The X-Files, which just so happens to be my all-time favorite TV show. I loved the artwork and the use of shadows. The creepy ending was spot-on. Only thing I would've done differently (for more laughs) is have the kids refer to each other as Mulder and Scully instead of using their first names.

4 stars ( )
  flying_monkeys | Feb 28, 2018 |
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"Best pals Dana (Scully) and Fox (Mulder) have pitched a tent in the backyard for a sleepover. But the night is full of strange sounds, lights, and shadows. Surely there's a rational, scientific explanation for everything...or is there?"--Publisher's website.

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