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Dropping the Struggle: Seven Ways to Love…
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Dropping the Struggle: Seven Ways to Love the Life You Have (edizione 2016)

di Roger Housden (Autore)

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"In our culture of "get more, have more, be more," is there any place for "thanks, I'm good"? Bestselling author and acclaimed teacher Roger Housden says yes in this alternative to nonstop striving and self-criticism. Whether about our relationships, careers, or spirituality, many of us judge ourselves as not measuring up when we would certainly experience more fulfillment if we stopped struggling with ourselves. Housden came to some of these realizations in an extraordinarily challenging situation: being questioned by authorities while researching a book in Iran. In the midst of confinement, he knew, beyond all logic or reason, that he was actually free. Most of us will never find ourselves in such an extreme set of circumstances, but we may feel trapped by our behavior and experiences. Housden's words affirm that we can find peace and contentment, no matter what"--… (altro)
Titolo:Dropping the Struggle: Seven Ways to Love the Life You Have
Autori:Roger Housden (Autore)
Info:New World Library (2016), 176 pages
Collezioni:Da leggere

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Dropping the Struggle: Seven Ways to Love the Life You Have di Roger Housden

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I much prefer his poetry series (10 Poems to Set you Free, 110 Poems of Love and Revelation, etc.) which is what led me to pick up this book in the first place. It has some worthwhile poems (esp. by Rumi) and an explanation of Poetry as a Wisdom language, but the rest is prose and kind of advice/self-help with a little bit of philosophy thrown in. It actually dovetailed well with the memoir Marrow which I read concurrently for a while. A lot about acceptance and awareness -- all good reflections and observations, but nothing earth-shattering or game-changing. Of course, it's one thing to read all about it and another thing to practice it. That's on me. Could see this being helpful for someone entering a new phase of life (graduation, retirement) or something to re-read periodically as the principles are sound and don't change though circumstances do. ( )
  CarrieWuj | Oct 24, 2020 |
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"In our culture of "get more, have more, be more," is there any place for "thanks, I'm good"? Bestselling author and acclaimed teacher Roger Housden says yes in this alternative to nonstop striving and self-criticism. Whether about our relationships, careers, or spirituality, many of us judge ourselves as not measuring up when we would certainly experience more fulfillment if we stopped struggling with ourselves. Housden came to some of these realizations in an extraordinarily challenging situation: being questioned by authorities while researching a book in Iran. In the midst of confinement, he knew, beyond all logic or reason, that he was actually free. Most of us will never find ourselves in such an extreme set of circumstances, but we may feel trapped by our behavior and experiences. Housden's words affirm that we can find peace and contentment, no matter what"--

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