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Erin's Fancy

di N. J. Walters

Serie: Awakening Desires (Book 2)

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Erin's Fancy N.J. Walters Second in the Awakening Desires series. Seven Sex Positions That Will Drive You Both Wild Deciding that she needs a sex life, Erin Conner studies this magazine article to learn how to seduce a man. When Abel Benjamin Garrett unexpectedly returns home, Erin decides to test her newfound knowledge and have a summer fling with him. He's been at the center of all her erotic fantasies since her teens and she wants to try out all seven sex positions with him. Erin doesn't think she'll have any problem getting Abel to co-operate. After all, what red-blooded male doesn't want a no-strings, hot summer affair? Burnt out from his work, Abel has come home to rest and re-evaluate his life. He awakens one morning to find a gorgeous, naked woman in his bed. There is one problem-the sexy goddess is his best friend's sister. But Abel finds it impossible to resist Erin's open and honest sex appeal. But a secret from his past may force Abel to leave long before summer's end. Furthermore, Abel is not content to be Erin's summer lover. Unknown to her, he plans to be her lover for all time and in more than just seven ways.… (altro)
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Erin's Fancy N.J. Walters Second in the Awakening Desires series. Seven Sex Positions That Will Drive You Both Wild Deciding that she needs a sex life, Erin Conner studies this magazine article to learn how to seduce a man. When Abel Benjamin Garrett unexpectedly returns home, Erin decides to test her newfound knowledge and have a summer fling with him. He's been at the center of all her erotic fantasies since her teens and she wants to try out all seven sex positions with him. Erin doesn't think she'll have any problem getting Abel to co-operate. After all, what red-blooded male doesn't want a no-strings, hot summer affair? Burnt out from his work, Abel has come home to rest and re-evaluate his life. He awakens one morning to find a gorgeous, naked woman in his bed. There is one problem-the sexy goddess is his best friend's sister. But Abel finds it impossible to resist Erin's open and honest sex appeal. But a secret from his past may force Abel to leave long before summer's end. Furthermore, Abel is not content to be Erin's summer lover. Unknown to her, he plans to be her lover for all time and in more than just seven ways.

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