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Strategic Customer Care: An Evolutionary Approach to Increasing Customer Value and Profitability

di Stanley A. Brown

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How to successfully apply the principles of customer care in any company Most organizations today recognize the importance of improving customer care--the need to go beyond traditional customer service and truly manage customers as assets--but only about 6% apply its principles effectively. This book fully explains the three stages in the evolution of customer care. Readers will be guided through the process of acquiring customers, retaining them through segmentation and management of the relationship, and targeting their most significant marketing efforts to the most profitable segments. * Shows companies how to identify where they are in their own evolutionary process * Outlines successes and failures of companies, including Sears, CIBC, AT&T/Matrixx, Kodak, FedEx, and more… (altro)
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How to successfully apply the principles of customer care in any company Most organizations today recognize the importance of improving customer care--the need to go beyond traditional customer service and truly manage customers as assets--but only about 6% apply its principles effectively. This book fully explains the three stages in the evolution of customer care. Readers will be guided through the process of acquiring customers, retaining them through segmentation and management of the relationship, and targeting their most significant marketing efforts to the most profitable segments. * Shows companies how to identify where they are in their own evolutionary process * Outlines successes and failures of companies, including Sears, CIBC, AT&T/Matrixx, Kodak, FedEx, and more

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