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Il nemico degli Yilané - Cosmo Oro 107

di Harry Harrison

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: West of Eden (2)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
898724,745 (3.64)9
The dinosaurs continue to challenge humans for mastery of Earth in this follow-up to West of Eden. Only now, a new Ice Age is on its way and the dinosaurs are facing extinction. They need to reconquer human territory. Kerrick, a hunter, launches a quest to rally a final defence for humankind.
Aggiunto di recente daSteele_24, biblioteca privata, thedude240, Erutara, SF4MLibrary, JimHinds, tonyneilson, ms529212, alexblue, BMoreno79403
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» Vedi le 9 citazioni

This could perhaps be considered alternate history - what if the dinosaurs did not go extinct? The Yilane (murgus to humans) co-exist with Stone Age humans on Earth. Normally this co-existence is peaceful, as there is plenty of room for both species. As an Ice Age approaches, the murgus must find warmer places to live, and that puts them in competition with the humans. Led by Kerrick, an escaped murgu slave, the humans fight back. Well written, good plot and good ideas, this is an excellent book. ( )
  Karlstar | Oct 10, 2021 |
I did not like this second book as much as the first. It was cut up into too many small pieces with very short paragraphs and sometimes no real linkage to the story's main plot. I suppose it is just setting the basis for the final book.

The last 30+ pages bother me... Why should I learn Yilanè writing when there is none in the novel itself? Why should I learn pronunciation? The dictionary is full of words in Margu that are never used in the story and when I had a Yilanè word that I wanted the meaning of... it was not in that dictionary.

I might read the last of the series but I won't seriously look for it. ( )
  Lynxear | Apr 17, 2017 |
An inevitable sequel, this time delving more deeply into Vilaine Society, and a bit on how the intelligent lizards developed. Just not as much fun and much nearer Harrison's usual level. ( )
  DinadansFriend | Sep 15, 2013 |
In the second book of the Eden trilogy we can follow the human-reptile (Yilané) war which a bit turns into a provate revenge between Kerrick and Vainté. A great story in an impressively detailed world. Who needs more? ( )
  TheCrow2 | Jun 24, 2013 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (10 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Harry Harrisonautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
D'Achille, GinoImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Lofaro, JerryImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Sanderson, BillImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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Proloog: Het leven is niet langer gemakkelijk.
Prolog: Life is no longer easy.
Hoofdstuk 1: De storm liep ten einde en trok naar zee.
Chapter 1:
The storm was ending, blowing out to sea.
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(Click per vedere. Attenzione: può contenere anticipazioni.)
(Click per vedere. Attenzione: può contenere anticipazioni.)
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The dinosaurs continue to challenge humans for mastery of Earth in this follow-up to West of Eden. Only now, a new Ice Age is on its way and the dinosaurs are facing extinction. They need to reconquer human territory. Kerrick, a hunter, launches a quest to rally a final defence for humankind.

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Media: (3.64)
1 1
2 5
2.5 4
3 31
3.5 6
4 38
4.5 2
5 15

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