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With All Your Heart Discovery Guide: Being…
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With All Your Heart Discovery Guide: Being God's Presence to Our World (That the World May Know) by Ray Vander Laan (September 15,2015)

di Ray Vander Laan (Autore)

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This six-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), With All Your Heart, by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume ten of the That the World May Know series. Do you remember where your blessing comes from? In Exodus, God warned Israel to remember him when they left the dry desert and reached the fertile fields of the Promised Land. But in this tenth volume of Faith Lessons, you'll discover how quickly they forgot God and began to rely on themselves. Find out what it means to remember the Lord in your own life on this one-of-a-kind spiritual pilgrimage. Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers. Each lesson: Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD Includes sidebars, maps, photos and other study tools Features questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflection Includes 25 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today. The companion DVD for With All Your Heart was filmed on location in Timnah, Negev, and Jerusalem. These illuminating "faith lessons" afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study. This Discovery Guide is designed for use with the With All Your Heart DVD (sold separately). Lessons include: Build Me a Sanctuary - Filmed in Timnah Making Space for God - Filmed in Timnah He Led Them Like a Shepherd - Filmed in Negev By Every Word - Striking the Rock - Filmed in Negev With All Your Might: The Final Test - Filmed in Jerusalem A Well-Watered Garden - Filmed in Jerusalem … (altro)
Titolo:With All Your Heart Discovery Guide: Being God's Presence to Our World (That the World May Know) by Ray Vander Laan (September 15,2015)
Autori:Ray Vander Laan (Autore)
Info:Zondervan (September 15,2015) (no date)

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With All Your Heart Discovery Guide: Being God's Presence to Our World (That the World May Know) di Ray Vander Laan

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This six-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), With All Your Heart, by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume ten of the That the World May Know series. Do you remember where your blessing comes from? In Exodus, God warned Israel to remember him when they left the dry desert and reached the fertile fields of the Promised Land. But in this tenth volume of Faith Lessons, you'll discover how quickly they forgot God and began to rely on themselves. Find out what it means to remember the Lord in your own life on this one-of-a-kind spiritual pilgrimage. Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers. Each lesson: Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD Includes sidebars, maps, photos and other study tools Features questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflection Includes 25 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today. The companion DVD for With All Your Heart was filmed on location in Timnah, Negev, and Jerusalem. These illuminating "faith lessons" afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study. This Discovery Guide is designed for use with the With All Your Heart DVD (sold separately). Lessons include: Build Me a Sanctuary - Filmed in Timnah Making Space for God - Filmed in Timnah He Led Them Like a Shepherd - Filmed in Negev By Every Word - Striking the Rock - Filmed in Negev With All Your Might: The Final Test - Filmed in Jerusalem A Well-Watered Garden - Filmed in Jerusalem 

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