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Lord of Legend: Lord of Legend

di Charlene Cross

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15Nessuno1,407,728 (2.38)1
Scotland's flame-haired beauty... The hawk swooping after a female sparrow near her castle sent a chill of foreboding through lovely Chandra Morgan, Lady Lochlaigh. Legend said the ladybird would feel the hawk's talons in her heart as he carried her away. Chandra, young chieftain of the Morgans, felt her fears growing for her cherished heather-covered land with its warring clans, and the omen of the hawk began to haunt her soul... England's magnificent warrior lord... Cold and wet to the bone, Alexander Hawke, Lord Montbourne, cursed his misfortune at being sent to the godforsaken Northern Highlands. The king himself had appointed Aleck guardian of Lady Lochlaigh and ordered him to find her a husband loyal to the Crown. Now, as Castle Lochlaigh stood gray and hostile before him, his infamous temper ignited at the clansmen barring his entrance, but far hotter feelings quickly flared when he beheld Chandra Morgan's flashing eyes. Chandra knew that here was the hawk of legend come to snare her, yet all her cunning couldn't stop the desire running like fire in her blood...or the kisses that would brand her a traitor if she surrendered to his love.… (altro)
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Scotland's flame-haired beauty... The hawk swooping after a female sparrow near her castle sent a chill of foreboding through lovely Chandra Morgan, Lady Lochlaigh. Legend said the ladybird would feel the hawk's talons in her heart as he carried her away. Chandra, young chieftain of the Morgans, felt her fears growing for her cherished heather-covered land with its warring clans, and the omen of the hawk began to haunt her soul... England's magnificent warrior lord... Cold and wet to the bone, Alexander Hawke, Lord Montbourne, cursed his misfortune at being sent to the godforsaken Northern Highlands. The king himself had appointed Aleck guardian of Lady Lochlaigh and ordered him to find her a husband loyal to the Crown. Now, as Castle Lochlaigh stood gray and hostile before him, his infamous temper ignited at the clansmen barring his entrance, but far hotter feelings quickly flared when he beheld Chandra Morgan's flashing eyes. Chandra knew that here was the hawk of legend come to snare her, yet all her cunning couldn't stop the desire running like fire in her blood...or the kisses that would brand her a traitor if she surrendered to his love.

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