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Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviors: Using the Building Blocks Model to Guide Intervention and Classroom Management, Third Edition

di Nancy Mather Ph.D.

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"This third edition shows teachers and specialists, such as school psychologists and speech-language pathologists, how to support children in Grades K-12 with learning disabilities and behavioral challenges in the era of high-stakes testing and accountability. An innovative framework is included to help professionals identify areas of strength and weakness and to determine the types of educational and behavioral interventions needed and to develop meaningful, realistic educational goals. Even more comprehensive and user friendly than the popular previous edition, this text follows the same basic format: the Building Blocks model targets 12 factors and abilities related to school success and gives teachers practical strategies for helping students succeed as well as a detailed questionnaire that pinpoints student strengths and needs. The reliable, up-to-date research makes this an essential textbook for any course focused on learning disabilities and behavior problems, and the practical advice and guidelines will be a lifeline to in-service teachers year after year. The new edition explains the same philosophy and model for intervention, but it also includes information on multi-tiered systems of support, positive behavior interventions and supports, and social-emotional learning. This new edition has a new third author, Katie Eklund, who will bring a fresh energy to the author team. As in the previous edition, there are a few invited contributors as well, including Robert Brooks"--… (altro)

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"This third edition shows teachers and specialists, such as school psychologists and speech-language pathologists, how to support children in Grades K-12 with learning disabilities and behavioral challenges in the era of high-stakes testing and accountability. An innovative framework is included to help professionals identify areas of strength and weakness and to determine the types of educational and behavioral interventions needed and to develop meaningful, realistic educational goals. Even more comprehensive and user friendly than the popular previous edition, this text follows the same basic format: the Building Blocks model targets 12 factors and abilities related to school success and gives teachers practical strategies for helping students succeed as well as a detailed questionnaire that pinpoints student strengths and needs. The reliable, up-to-date research makes this an essential textbook for any course focused on learning disabilities and behavior problems, and the practical advice and guidelines will be a lifeline to in-service teachers year after year. The new edition explains the same philosophy and model for intervention, but it also includes information on multi-tiered systems of support, positive behavior interventions and supports, and social-emotional learning. This new edition has a new third author, Katie Eklund, who will bring a fresh energy to the author team. As in the previous edition, there are a few invited contributors as well, including Robert Brooks"--

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