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Burn Your Business Plan!: What Investors…
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Burn Your Business Plan!: What Investors Really Want from Entrepreneurs (edizione 2003)

di David E. Gumpert

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Breaking ranks with conventional wisdom, this book argues that writing a business plan unnecessarily wastes time and, in fact, could be counterproductive. This careful study examines start-up experiences and the minimal role of business plans in the practices of such entrepreneurs as Bill Gates and Michael Dell. Small business owners are urged instead to focus on key hands-on tasks that are more likely to impress professional investors -- tasks such as preparing an effective oral presentation, writing a clear and compelling synopsis, developing a web site that captures a business model, and assembling hard-hitting financial projections. Provided are a sample synopsis that helped attract $4 million of investment capital, examples of effective financial projections, ten ways to demonstrate demand for a product or service, and a detailed case study of an entrepreneur who raised more than $50 million of investment funds -- without the use of a written business plan. Entrepreneurs learn inside tips for how to value company stock, how to network most effectively to attract the interest of investors, and how to negotiate from strength with prospective investors.… (altro)
Titolo:Burn Your Business Plan!: What Investors Really Want from Entrepreneurs
Autori:David E. Gumpert
Info:Lauson Publishing Co. (2003), Paperback, 178 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Burn Your Business Plan!: What Investors Really Want from Entrepreneurs di David E. Gumpert

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A very interesting book. Although I don't completely agree with everything, David does make a great point of just getting started. I would argue there is a lot of value to the exercise of creating a plan. It requires you to think about your business from all 360 degrees. However, he is right that milestones are much better to accomplish in many respects. A good read for any entrepreneur. I found 2 chapters worthwhile - 12 questions that you must answer and ways to prove demand. ( )
  wjskabelund | May 7, 2007 |
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Breaking ranks with conventional wisdom, this book argues that writing a business plan unnecessarily wastes time and, in fact, could be counterproductive. This careful study examines start-up experiences and the minimal role of business plans in the practices of such entrepreneurs as Bill Gates and Michael Dell. Small business owners are urged instead to focus on key hands-on tasks that are more likely to impress professional investors -- tasks such as preparing an effective oral presentation, writing a clear and compelling synopsis, developing a web site that captures a business model, and assembling hard-hitting financial projections. Provided are a sample synopsis that helped attract $4 million of investment capital, examples of effective financial projections, ten ways to demonstrate demand for a product or service, and a detailed case study of an entrepreneur who raised more than $50 million of investment funds -- without the use of a written business plan. Entrepreneurs learn inside tips for how to value company stock, how to network most effectively to attract the interest of investors, and how to negotiate from strength with prospective investors.

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