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The Lost Princess

di Lacy Williams

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She has never belonged anywhere... Kylie Winters never knew her father, and after her mother's recent death, she's on a journey of self-discovery. She barely arrives in the small town where she grew up before she has a run in with the law-and comes face to face with the policeman who was her childhood best friend. When it seems danger has followed her into town, Nick is the one she turns to for help. Nick Harris spent years wondering about the girl who disappeared from his life. When Kylie hits town, he knows this is his chance to find out who the woman has become. He's intent on keeping her safe, and not just for absolution from his past mistakes. He loved Kylie as a kid, and it's not long before those feelings come rushing back. And then the news breaks that Kylie is a long-lost princess... The Lost Princess is a contemporary western retelling of the Princess and the Pea fairytale and Book 5 in the Cowboy Fairytales series.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dajudyg54, JennyDominguez
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She has never belonged anywhere... Kylie Winters never knew her father, and after her mother's recent death, she's on a journey of self-discovery. She barely arrives in the small town where she grew up before she has a run in with the law-and comes face to face with the policeman who was her childhood best friend. When it seems danger has followed her into town, Nick is the one she turns to for help. Nick Harris spent years wondering about the girl who disappeared from his life. When Kylie hits town, he knows this is his chance to find out who the woman has become. He's intent on keeping her safe, and not just for absolution from his past mistakes. He loved Kylie as a kid, and it's not long before those feelings come rushing back. And then the news breaks that Kylie is a long-lost princess... The Lost Princess is a contemporary western retelling of the Princess and the Pea fairytale and Book 5 in the Cowboy Fairytales series.

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Lacy Williams è un Autore di LibraryThing, un autore che cataloga la sua biblioteca personale su LibraryThing.

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