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The Way of Kings, Part One (Stormlight…
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The Way of Kings, Part One (Stormlight Archive) (originale 2010; edizione 2011)

di Brandon Sanderson (Autore)

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594840,903 (4.3)Nessuno
Fantasy fiction. Released in two volumes due to size of book. According to mythology mankind used to live in The Tranquiline Halls. Heaven. But then the Voidbringers assaulted and captured heaven, casting out God and men. Men took root on Roshar, the world of storms. And the Voidbringers followed . . . They came against man ten thousand times. To help them cope, the Almighty gave men powerful suits of armor and mystical weapons, known as Shardblades. Led by ten angelic Heralds and ten orders of knights known as Radiants, mankind finally won. Or so the legends say. Today, the only remnants of those supposed battles are the Shardblades, the possession of which makes a man nearly invincible on the battlefield. The entire world is at war with itself - and has been for centuries since the Radiants turned against mankind. Kings strive to win more Shardblades, each secretly wishing to be the one who will finally unite all of mankind under a single throne. On a world scoured down to the rock by terrifying hurricanes that blow through every few days is a young spearman ,forced into the army of a Shardbearer, led to war against an enemy he doesn't understand and doesn't really want to fight. What happened deep in mankind's past? Why did the Radiants turn against mankind, and what happened to the magic they used to wield?… (altro)
Titolo:The Way of Kings, Part One (Stormlight Archive)
Autori:Brandon Sanderson (Autore)
Info:Gollancz (2011), Edition: First Thus, 594 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The Way of Kings: Part One di Brandon Sanderson (2010)

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I think this was a nice start to this series. I only read part one. But as the story went and i think i grew to like all the characters by the end of this series!! I think some of the heavy battle elements i struggled with!! but i really enjoyed the world and the characters. It is such a rich world!! I really loved most of this book! ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
I think this was a nice start to this series. I only read part one. But as the story went and i think i grew to like all the characters by the end of this series!! I think some of the heavy battle elements i struggled with!! but i really enjoyed the world and the characters. It is such a rich world!! I really loved most of this book! ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
Dropped at 33% read.
For a popular book series with large page count I came in expecting something with either an amazing writing style and or fascinating characters and plot development.
Reality is that I am bored. Writing and plot is average so far, and I have little attachment to the characters.
The novel is dragging on and on and I don't feel like the 5% of amazing stuff somewhere in the book is worth the rest of my time.

This is also my first Brandon Sanderson book for me. Not a good start. If there are any of his novels which are faster paced and more interesting I would want to try them instead. ( )
  Kat_books | Nov 9, 2021 |
I hate not finishing novels. That said, I'm not going to waste precious reading time on a book(and very lengthy series) that is this slow to start and seems to be a story about nothing in particular. And while I'm very well aware of the general concensus that sees this as the 'set-up' novel of a great rambling epic, I simply can't justify giving time to books that are written as a kind of over extended scene setter for the next 10 doorstoppers. This edition was the Part One of a two part first in the series of 10, and I find myself unable to force myself on after a mere 214 pages so I'm doing myself a favour and quitting now instead of ploughing ahead in the hope things improve.

It started well, reminding me a lot of the Mistborn trilogy with its strange magic and superhuman characters, but unlike Mistborn, it just slowed to a crawl and then almost stopped dead for hundreds of pages. Watching some unfortunate wretch running from place to place with a bridge and getting nowhere fast would actually be an apt description of this book thus far(214 pages). Unlike a lot of people, I'm not that forgiving of a novel(and a first novel at that) whose sole purpose it is to introduce the daily tedium of an unjustifiably tedious world. I've absolutely no doubt whatsoever that it will pick up from book 2 or maybe 3 or whatever, but that's simply no excuse for creating such tedium, nor for the apologist attitude towards an awful lot of epic fantasy these days that seems to enjoy nothing more than making the excuse that 'it's a set-up novel' so it's ok that it's boring. No... it's not ok. It really isn't.

Very tedious. Very plodding. Very pedestrian. And so not worth your time.
( )
  SFGale | Mar 23, 2021 |
I want part 2 right now!!!!! ( )
  Anindita27 | Jan 21, 2021 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Brandon Sandersonautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Call, GregIllustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Green, SamImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
McSweeney, BenIllustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Stewart, IsaacIllustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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Editions with ISBN 0575097361 are the first part only of this book and should not be combined with the full work.
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Fantasy fiction. Released in two volumes due to size of book. According to mythology mankind used to live in The Tranquiline Halls. Heaven. But then the Voidbringers assaulted and captured heaven, casting out God and men. Men took root on Roshar, the world of storms. And the Voidbringers followed . . . They came against man ten thousand times. To help them cope, the Almighty gave men powerful suits of armor and mystical weapons, known as Shardblades. Led by ten angelic Heralds and ten orders of knights known as Radiants, mankind finally won. Or so the legends say. Today, the only remnants of those supposed battles are the Shardblades, the possession of which makes a man nearly invincible on the battlefield. The entire world is at war with itself - and has been for centuries since the Radiants turned against mankind. Kings strive to win more Shardblades, each secretly wishing to be the one who will finally unite all of mankind under a single throne. On a world scoured down to the rock by terrifying hurricanes that blow through every few days is a young spearman ,forced into the army of a Shardbearer, led to war against an enemy he doesn't understand and doesn't really want to fight. What happened deep in mankind's past? Why did the Radiants turn against mankind, and what happened to the magic they used to wield?

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