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Captain America Vol. 2: Winter Soldier, Book…
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Captain America Vol. 2: Winter Soldier, Book Two (edizione 2006)

di Ed Brubaker (Autore), Steve Epting (Illustratore), Mike Perkins (Illustratore)

Serie: Captain America Vol 5 (2005–2009) (#8-9, 11-14), Captain America (5.008-009, 5.011-014)

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Comic and Graphic Books. Fiction. HTML:

Collects Captain America (2004) #8-9 & #11-14. The questions plaguing Captain America's dreams and memories have been answered in the most brutal way possible. And in the wake of this brutality, General Lukin makes his first all-out assault!

Titolo:Captain America Vol. 2: Winter Soldier, Book Two
Autori:Ed Brubaker (Autore)
Altri autori:Steve Epting (Illustratore), Mike Perkins (Illustratore)
Info:Marvel (2006), Edition: Direct Ed, 136 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, Lista dei desideri, In lettura, Da leggere, Letti ma non posseduti, Preferiti

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Captain America: Winter Soldier, Book Two di Ed Brubaker

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  freixas | Mar 31, 2023 |
There's a serious excess of flashbacks in the first half of this book, but once it settles down it's pretty damn good - I loved the Winter Soldier dossier, and from there on out it's tense and wonderful. ( )
  jen.e.moore | Mar 30, 2013 |
I wasn't all that thrilled with the first trade, but Brubaker really cranked up the storytelling in this one. It's less of a rehash of things past and more geared towards the actual plot now. I loved the interaction between Captain America and Bucky, and I can't wait to see where the story goes next. ( )
  schatzi | Sep 12, 2009 |
Good (but not great) story. Leaves a few things hanging. Things which I assume will be picked up on in future story lines.
  bookbark | Jan 25, 2007 |
Let me preface my comments with this: I hate these types of stories. Comics (and Marvel Comics in particular) spend WAY too much time bringing people back to life. Ultimately, it cheapens the sacrifices they made in death if they just keep coming back to life. Okay, that being said, I haven't read many Cap books that are better than this. The plot is good and interesting (especially for a resurrection tale), but the characterization is superb. Cap is vulnerable and hurt, and yet remains likeable and professional. The way he makes Bucky remember the war is really interesting and original, and then the ending is quite well done. What I really appreciated is that, while Brubaker does not tell Cap about Bucky's fate, he does tell the audience, so we are not left assuming he's dead AGAIN when he is not. ( )
2 vota nesum | Dec 24, 2006 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Ed Brubakerautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Epting, SteveIllustratoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Lark, MichaelIllustratoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Perkins, MikeIllustratoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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Comic and Graphic Books. Fiction. HTML:

Collects Captain America (2004) #8-9 & #11-14. The questions plaguing Captain America's dreams and memories have been answered in the most brutal way possible. And in the wake of this brutality, General Lukin makes his first all-out assault!


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