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The Palace di Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
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The Palace (originale 1978; edizione 1988)

di Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (Autore)

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445558,276 (3.78)6
An ancient vampire born in the Carpathian Mountains journeys to Renaissance Florence in this novel by a Bram Stoker Award winner. In Paris during the reign of Louis XV, Le Comte de Saint-Germain was known as a wealthy, worldly, charismatic aristocrat, envied and desired by many but fully known to none. In fact, he was a vampire, born in the Carpathian Mountains in 2119 BCE, turned in his late thirties, and destined to roam the world forever, watching and participating in the drama of human civilization.   Now, in Renaissance Italy, he will witness the collapse of the artistic and literary life in Florence after the death of Lorenzo the Magnificent, followed by the rise of the fanatical Girolamo Savonarola.   From a World Fantasy Award winner, The Palace is a different kind of vampire novel--rich, atmospheric, and full of the sweep of history.… (altro)
Titolo:The Palace
Autori:Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (Autore)
Info:Tom Doherty Assoc Llc (1988)
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere
Etichette:vampires, fantasy

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The Palace di Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (1978)

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The second published Count San Germain title, but not the earliest in the chronology. From the court of Louis XV, we jump back in time to Renaissance Florence and the court of Laurenzo de Medici and the subsequent puritanical regime of Savonarola. This is probably the first of the formulaic works in the series: we have San Germain, a 'good' heroine, an unstable anti-heroine, the historical villain, the historical hero, various minor characters good and bad. All this is set in a well-researched historical background. When this was originally published, they were a fresh take on the vampire trope; Saint Germain being a civilised vampire not a crazed monster (although he admits to being that in the past). I will say that now he is comes across as a bit of a late 20th C man, rather than a historical man, but given his murky origins, we can't say whether female equality featured in his early life.
  Maddz | Aug 6, 2017 |
Noted during my 1980's attempt to read every book in my small town library.
  juniperSun | Dec 5, 2014 |
This is an old favorite of mine, picked up when I was in my teens, and published in 1978 when vampires were still monsters that made your pulse race not because they were sexy, but because they were likely to devour you. In these days of Buffy and Twilight I think we've gone much too far in the other direction, but back when I encountered Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's humane vampire Saint-German, it seemed fresh. And what impressed me most back then wasn't the vampire side of this book--it was the historical fiction side. This is set in Renaissance Florence, and Lorenzo de Medici, Botticelli, and the sinister monk Savonarola are all featured here. The vivid picture painted of the flowering of the Renaissance threatened by religious fanaticism made quite the impression on me. For some reason I never picked up another of the Saint-Germain books--this is part of a series, and not even the first one, but the second (Hôtel Transylvania was the first.) This one does stand alone though, and writing up this review makes me want to seek out others in the series for a Halloween read. ( )
1 vota LisaMaria_C | Oct 16, 2012 |
A noval of the vampire Saint Germain series. It's a wonderful saga. It does drag in spots but is worth reading. The history is fascinating. Makes you want to learn more of the history. ( )
  vampyredhead | Jan 9, 2006 |
"'You're very old, aren't you?" she asked.... "It must seem foolish to love this city so, or to want to stay here.'
"Ragoczy reached for his riding boots, and before pulling them on, he held them up and tapped the thick soles. 'Do you know what's in them?' he said, and there was a command in his tone that caught her attention and held it.
"'No.' Her face had lost some of its fear and there was the familiar spurt of curiosity in her eyes.
"'Earth,' he said shortly. 'My native soil. Without it I would be unable to cross running water or walk in the sunlight for fear of being burned as you would be by hot metal. Don't tell me about the pull of home. I know it. I have known it for more than three thousand years, in lands you know nothing of. The earth is my life as much as blood is.'"
Kindle location 4518-25
  Mary_Overton | May 28, 2012 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (1 potenziale)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Chelsea Quinn Yarbroautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Glattauer, NedImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Heffernan, PhilImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Tóth, IngridTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Winkelmann, AlfonsTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Saint-Germain Cycle: Chronological Order (Florence and Venice (1490-1498))

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How beautiful a thing is youth
Which so completely flees us.
Whoever desires to be merry, let him;
For tomorrow is never certain.
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for the master of us all,
Robert Bloch
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Text of a document confirming the sale of land filed with la Signoria in Fiorenza on November 5, 1490:

Know by this statement and testimony that I, Giovanni Baptiste Andreo di Massimo Corsarrio, merchant of the city of Fiorenza and citizen of the Repubblica, freely, on this day, have transferred all claim to land owned by me beyond the grounds of SS. Annunziata near the wall of the city to the alchemist Francesco Ragoczy da San Germano for the sum of six hundred fifty fiorini d'or.
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An ancient vampire born in the Carpathian Mountains journeys to Renaissance Florence in this novel by a Bram Stoker Award winner. In Paris during the reign of Louis XV, Le Comte de Saint-Germain was known as a wealthy, worldly, charismatic aristocrat, envied and desired by many but fully known to none. In fact, he was a vampire, born in the Carpathian Mountains in 2119 BCE, turned in his late thirties, and destined to roam the world forever, watching and participating in the drama of human civilization.   Now, in Renaissance Italy, he will witness the collapse of the artistic and literary life in Florence after the death of Lorenzo the Magnificent, followed by the rise of the fanatical Girolamo Savonarola.   From a World Fantasy Award winner, The Palace is a different kind of vampire novel--rich, atmospheric, and full of the sweep of history.

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