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Legends of Fire

di Alexia Purdy

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Some secrets were never meant to be exposed to the light of the world. When the Raven Faery Queen's brother is cursed and in danger of losing his wings and mind, she calls in specialized mercenaries for the Seelie Faery Court-Benton and Rylan (AKA Soap). They immediately discover this might not be a cut and dry mission. Benton is reminded of a promise he vowed to keep and uncovers an important tie to his family's past. But the secrets go beyond his family and lead to the real reason Elementals, like Benton, are being hunted and are almost extinct. Soap also discovers a link to his past that threatens his magic and reveals deadly truths about the Land of Faerie and the two divided courts. In the midst of it all, Benton and Rylan are tasked with finding Zena, a human girl with the gift of The Sight, before she is captured by an obsessed bounty hunter who only hunts humans with specific and unusual abilities for nefarious reasons. Some say you should never trust a faery... This is book 7 in A Dark Faerie Tale Series. Also Available to read in this series: The Withering Palace (Book #0.1, Companion story #1) Evangeline (Book #0.5, Companion story #2) Ever Shade (Book #1) Ever Fire (Book #2) Ever Winter (Book #3) The Cursed (Book #3.5, Companion story #3) Ever Wrath (Book #4) Without Armor (Book #4.5, Companion story #4) History of Fire (Book #5) Ever Dead (Book #6) Legends of Fire (Book #7) Guardians of Fire (Book #8)… (altro)
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Some secrets were never meant to be exposed to the light of the world. When the Raven Faery Queen's brother is cursed and in danger of losing his wings and mind, she calls in specialized mercenaries for the Seelie Faery Court-Benton and Rylan (AKA Soap). They immediately discover this might not be a cut and dry mission. Benton is reminded of a promise he vowed to keep and uncovers an important tie to his family's past. But the secrets go beyond his family and lead to the real reason Elementals, like Benton, are being hunted and are almost extinct. Soap also discovers a link to his past that threatens his magic and reveals deadly truths about the Land of Faerie and the two divided courts. In the midst of it all, Benton and Rylan are tasked with finding Zena, a human girl with the gift of The Sight, before she is captured by an obsessed bounty hunter who only hunts humans with specific and unusual abilities for nefarious reasons. Some say you should never trust a faery... This is book 7 in A Dark Faerie Tale Series. Also Available to read in this series: The Withering Palace (Book #0.1, Companion story #1) Evangeline (Book #0.5, Companion story #2) Ever Shade (Book #1) Ever Fire (Book #2) Ever Winter (Book #3) The Cursed (Book #3.5, Companion story #3) Ever Wrath (Book #4) Without Armor (Book #4.5, Companion story #4) History of Fire (Book #5) Ever Dead (Book #6) Legends of Fire (Book #7) Guardians of Fire (Book #8)

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