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Animal Appetite (Dog Lover's Mystery) di…
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Animal Appetite (Dog Lover's Mystery) (originale 1997; edizione 2005)

di Susan Conant

Serie: Dog Lover's Mysteries (Book 10), Holly Winter (10)

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2175129,180 (3.74)5
When Holly Winter accepts her friend's challenge to write about something other than dogs, her presumed subject is the story of Hannah Duston, an early settler of Massachusetts who was captured by Native Americans, escaped, and lived to tell the tale. Soon enough, however, Holly is diverted by the much more contemporary death of one Jack Winter Andrews (no relation, as it turns out), who was purportedly poisoned in the office of his small publishing company eighteen years before--while his pet golden retriever, chained to his desk, looked on. Whether drawn by the coincidence of Andrews's middle name, or the siren call of a dog's involvement (however peripheral), Holly is compelled to find out more about the publisher's demise.  Was it suicide, as the police had determined? Or murder, as his widow--and many others--insist? In the end, Holly is unable to unravel all the threads of Hannah Duston's life, but she does manage to solve the mystery of Jack Andrews's death.  Though not before the murderer succeeds in killing again, and almost sends Holly, along with her two beloved Alaskan malamutes, Rowdy and Kimi, to the same horrible fate. And, of course, interwoven with Holly's sleuthing are the delightful tidbits of canine lore, purebred dog-fancy gossip, and training tips that Susan Conant's many fans have come to expect and love.  In fact, as Holly discovers, the late Jack Andrews's second, secret life centered around--what else--showing dogs!… (altro)
Titolo:Animal Appetite (Dog Lover's Mystery)
Autori:Susan Conant
Info:Berkley (2005), Mass Market Paperback, 272 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Animal Appetite di Susan Conant (1997)

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Mostra 5 di 5
A great read particularly if you enjoy dogs mixed into your murder mystery. Good flow, excellent humor, I wish it was longer. Some twists I totally did not expect which is a real change let me tell you. ( )
  sherry.nickell | Dec 22, 2023 |
Not terribly gripping and subject of mystery was not particularly interesting to me either. (Rats :-) Holly Winter #10

Dog's Life columnist Holly Winter, challenged to write about human behavior, sinks her teeth--and those of her beloved Alaskan malamutes, Rowdy and Kimi--into two mysteries. Eighteen years ago publisher Jack Andrews succumbed to poison in his coffee, leaving two suicide notes--and his golden retriever chained to the desk. His backbiting family swear he was murdered--by a crazed business partner. But they're no model of sanity a strident widow with well-chewed nails; a bodybuilder daughter with rottweiler tattoos; and a deranged son who forages in garbage cans, ranting about rats and relatives. What can they reveal about Jack's canine-obsessed double life? What did Jack know that was dangerous enough to get him killed? And what on earth could his death have to do with the tale of Hannah Duston, who was captured by Indians in l697, escaped, and lived to tell the tale? But even more to the point, can Holly, Rowdy, and Kimi muzzle a killer before he attacks again? ( )
  Karen74Leigh | Sep 4, 2019 |
This is the first book I have read in the Dog Lover's Mystery series and enjoyed it very much. I liked the details about dogs, the characters, the mystery, and the author's good sense of humor. ( )
  Alice_Wonder | Dec 1, 2011 |
I figured out who did it well before the end of the book. It had some humor in it. I think the parts that I liked best were the discriptions of her dogs, and what life is like in different aspectes of dog showing. ( )
  TracyK1 | Jul 13, 2009 |
Loved the complex plot. ( )
  tehanu | Jun 11, 2009 |
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To Kobi and Rowdy - Frostfield Firestar's Kobuk, C.G.C. and Frostfield Perfect Crime, C.G.C., Th.D
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I first encountered Hannah Duston on a bleak November Sunday afternoon when my car dies in the dead center of Haverhill, Massachusetts.
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When Holly Winter accepts her friend's challenge to write about something other than dogs, her presumed subject is the story of Hannah Duston, an early settler of Massachusetts who was captured by Native Americans, escaped, and lived to tell the tale. Soon enough, however, Holly is diverted by the much more contemporary death of one Jack Winter Andrews (no relation, as it turns out), who was purportedly poisoned in the office of his small publishing company eighteen years before--while his pet golden retriever, chained to his desk, looked on. Whether drawn by the coincidence of Andrews's middle name, or the siren call of a dog's involvement (however peripheral), Holly is compelled to find out more about the publisher's demise.  Was it suicide, as the police had determined? Or murder, as his widow--and many others--insist? In the end, Holly is unable to unravel all the threads of Hannah Duston's life, but she does manage to solve the mystery of Jack Andrews's death.  Though not before the murderer succeeds in killing again, and almost sends Holly, along with her two beloved Alaskan malamutes, Rowdy and Kimi, to the same horrible fate. And, of course, interwoven with Holly's sleuthing are the delightful tidbits of canine lore, purebred dog-fancy gossip, and training tips that Susan Conant's many fans have come to expect and love.  In fact, as Holly discovers, the late Jack Andrews's second, secret life centered around--what else--showing dogs!

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