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The Integral Trees di Larry Niven
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The Integral Trees (edizione 1985)

di Larry Niven (Autore)

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2,246267,316 (3.65)31
For a long time, the State used slower-than-light spacecraft to prepare star systems for colonization by Man. Normally the ramseeders traveled centuries-long circuits which began and ended at Earth. Normally the mixed crew of citizens and "corpsicle" convicts remained with their ship. Normally ultimate control of the mission was exercised by a built-in cyborg "adviser," the true despot of the tiny State microcosm that was the ship. But little happened normally when Discipline reached the double-star system of T3 and LeVoy's Star. There an immense doughnut-shaped gaseous envelope had formed around a neutron star-and a vast volume of that nearly-empty cloud was comfortably habitable to Man. Though it had very little usable land, the Smoke Ring had evolved a huge variety of free-fall life-forms, most of which were edible and all of which could fly.… (altro)
Titolo:The Integral Trees
Autori:Larry Niven (Autore)
Info:Del Rey Ballantine (1985), 272 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

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The Integral Trees di Larry Niven

  1. 00
    Il sole dei soli (Sun of suns) di Karl Schroeder (KingRat)
    KingRat: Sun and Suns (and the two other Virga books), like The Integral Trees (and The Smoke Ring) explores a weightless world made of air.
  2. 00
    Cronache del ghiaccio e del fuoco di George R. R. Martin (Utente anonimo)
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» Vedi le 31 citazioni

Awesome setting - unique, intriguing and sets the stage for so much of the plot and characters.

Rest of the book is average I guess, possibly since it was obviously written as part one of a series. ( )
  furicle | Aug 5, 2023 |
Another unique world created by Larry Niven. This time the world is an orbiting cloud 'world', with very little land, mostly enormous trees, hence the name. A fascinating book about an entirely different type of habitat. ( )
  Karlstar | Apr 8, 2023 |
Durante largo tiempo, el Estado empleó naves espaciales cuya velocidad era menor que la de la luz para preparar los sistemas para su colonización por el hombre. Normalmente, las máquinas sembradoras viajaban en circuitos que duraban siglos y que tenían su punto de partida y de llegada a la Tierra. Normalmente, las tripulaciones estaban compuestas por ciudadanos y convictos corpiscilos. Normalmente, el último control de la misión era ejercicio por un cyborg informante, un verdadero déspota del Estado microcósmico que era la nave. Pero la normalidad se alteró levemente cuando Disciplina penetró en el sistema de la doble estrella T3 y le Voy's Star.
  Natt90 | Dec 8, 2022 |
Thought provoking and fascinating. Getting to grips with the geometry is difficult but worthwhile! ( )
  tarsel | Sep 4, 2022 |
This book is set in the fascinating world of the Smoke Ring, a free fall environment that is able to support life. In the distant past, a group of humans settled there and adapted to the rich and varied environment.

World building is the strength of this novels. The world of the Smoke Ring and the Integral Trees (massive plants within the smoke ring) is fascinating. The character development was okay -- really, pretty decent by sci-fi standards. However, I was less happy with the pacing of the plot. The novel was working so hard to build the world that the plot blurred by.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read. ( )
  eri_kars | Jul 10, 2022 |
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Larry Nivenautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Shapiro, ShellyIllustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Whelan, MichaelImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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This book is dedicated to Robert Forward, for the stories he's sparked in me, for his help in working out the parameters of the Smoke Ring, and for his big, roomy mind.
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It was taking too long, much longer than he had expected.

Gavving could hear the rustling as his companions tunneled upward.
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Wood snapped explosively, spattering Gavving with splinters as he leapt across the bucking, tearing bark. A million insects poured from a sudden black gap that must have reached a klomter into the heartwood. Gavving cried out and waved his arms through the buzzing cloud, trying to clear enough air to breathe. The tree was everything that was, and the tree was ending. If he’d stopped to think, his fear would have frozen him fast. He held to the one thought: Get the meat and get out! The nose-arm legs tumbled loose within a cloud of burning coals. One haunch was in reach. Gavving caught a line to pull it free of the coals, then jumped to catch it against his shoulder. Hot grease burned his neck. He yelled and thrust himself away. Now what? He couldn’t think in this end-of-the-world roar. He doffed his backpack, tied it against the nose-arm leg, braced against the pack, and pushed himself into the sky. Clouds of insects and pulverized wood half hid the shuddering, thundering tree. Dagger-sized splinters flew past. Gavving braced one of his jet pods against the pack and twisted the tip. Seeds and cold gas blasted past him. The pod ripped itself free of his hands, spat seeds into the flesh of his face, and was gone. His hands shook. Beads of blood were pooling on his cheek and his neck. He dug out his remaining jet pod and tried again, his tongue between his teeth. This time the pod held steady until it had gone quiet. The world came apart. He watched it all while his terror changed to awe. Fiery wind swept past him and left him in the open sky. Two fireballs receded in and out, until the home tree had become two bits of fluff linked by an infinite line of smoke. Awesome! Nobody could hope to live through a bigger disaster. All of Quinn Tribe must be dead…the idea was really too big to grasp…all but Clave’s citizens, and they’d lost Jiovan too, and who was left? He looked about him. Nobody? A cluster of specks, far out. He’d used both his jet pods, and now he was lost in the sky. At least he wouldn’t starve…
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For a long time, the State used slower-than-light spacecraft to prepare star systems for colonization by Man. Normally the ramseeders traveled centuries-long circuits which began and ended at Earth. Normally the mixed crew of citizens and "corpsicle" convicts remained with their ship. Normally ultimate control of the mission was exercised by a built-in cyborg "adviser," the true despot of the tiny State microcosm that was the ship. But little happened normally when Discipline reached the double-star system of T3 and LeVoy's Star. There an immense doughnut-shaped gaseous envelope had formed around a neutron star-and a vast volume of that nearly-empty cloud was comfortably habitable to Man. Though it had very little usable land, the Smoke Ring had evolved a huge variety of free-fall life-forms, most of which were edible and all of which could fly.

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Media: (3.65)
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3 115
3.5 30
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5 69

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