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Hurling Rubble at the Sun/Moon (Oberon Modern Plays)

di Avaes Mohammad

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Hurling Rubble at the SunThat side of town. July 2005. One blistering night. One blazing day. T labours over hot-plates cooking up the final ingredients for his mission while his mother labours over a hot stove, cooking up his final meal. Wearied by staring into all-consuming retribution, T reaches out to her seeking fresh insight. Desperate to be folded into her bosom once again, instead he's thrust onto a course of his own design, but with a force far greater than his alone.Hurling Rubble at the MoonThis side of town. The first years of the millennium and Skef's dad is back. Reliving his glory days on the terraces, he stands shoulder to shoulder with his son for the first time as they give it to the Asians. For Skef this isn't about reliving bygone glory but reclaiming all that's fast being stolen by the new insidious scourge all around. But, committed to battling this enemy within, he's in danger of soiling the very thing he's fighting for by violating the very thing he loves.… (altro)
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Hurling Rubble at the SunThat side of town. July 2005. One blistering night. One blazing day. T labours over hot-plates cooking up the final ingredients for his mission while his mother labours over a hot stove, cooking up his final meal. Wearied by staring into all-consuming retribution, T reaches out to her seeking fresh insight. Desperate to be folded into her bosom once again, instead he's thrust onto a course of his own design, but with a force far greater than his alone.Hurling Rubble at the MoonThis side of town. The first years of the millennium and Skef's dad is back. Reliving his glory days on the terraces, he stands shoulder to shoulder with his son for the first time as they give it to the Asians. For Skef this isn't about reliving bygone glory but reclaiming all that's fast being stolen by the new insidious scourge all around. But, committed to battling this enemy within, he's in danger of soiling the very thing he's fighting for by violating the very thing he loves.

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