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Summer Nights at the Moonlight Hotel

di Jane Costello

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40Nessuno641,373 (3.25)6
THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP TEN BESTSELLING AUTHOR Learn to dance at The Moonlight Hotel, in the most romantic place in Britain ... Beginners and singles welcome.  The Moonlight Hotel sits on the shore of England's best-loved lake, Windermere, exuding vintage glamour. Lauren loves the hotel, for hidden inside its faded walls is the key to her most precious memories. So, along with her best friends, Cate and Emily, she signs up to a new dance class in its gorgeous ballroom. They aren't going for the men, they're going for a laugh - although a little romance wouldn't hurt . . .   But then a chain of events off the dance floor puts their friendship to the ultimate test, and makes Lauren question everything she holds dear.   'As entertaining as Strictly, but with a lot more romance' KATIE FFORDE   'Hilarious and romantic - Jane Costello's best book yet' BELLA… (altro)
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THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP TEN BESTSELLING AUTHOR Learn to dance at The Moonlight Hotel, in the most romantic place in Britain ... Beginners and singles welcome.  The Moonlight Hotel sits on the shore of England's best-loved lake, Windermere, exuding vintage glamour. Lauren loves the hotel, for hidden inside its faded walls is the key to her most precious memories. So, along with her best friends, Cate and Emily, she signs up to a new dance class in its gorgeous ballroom. They aren't going for the men, they're going for a laugh - although a little romance wouldn't hurt . . .   But then a chain of events off the dance floor puts their friendship to the ultimate test, and makes Lauren question everything she holds dear.   'As entertaining as Strictly, but with a lot more romance' KATIE FFORDE   'Hilarious and romantic - Jane Costello's best book yet' BELLA

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