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CreateSpace and Kindle Self Publishing Matrix - Writing Nonfiction Books That Sell Without Marketing: Publishing an eBook on Amazon Kindle Publishing or CreateSpace Self Publishing How To Guide

di Chris Naish

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The Stuff They're Trying to Sell You in Webinars Today Was In This Book Two Years Ago. And Now Everybody is Panicking! As an author you are likely not a master of Kindle keyword research and category placement. If this is a skill set you don't have, this is the book that will put you head and shoulders above other authors. Yes, you've read the blogs & books that tell you to put keywords in your title, description etc... Some of Which is WRONG or Oversimplified! What if those keywords are too competitive? What if those keywords don't bring enough searches to matter? How do you measure any benefits your (or other authors) keywords may be bringing? I promise you that apart from the foundational basics, this is NOT the same old stuff repackaged! To quote another reviewer:"I promise you've never seen it put together this way." Listen, I know there are dozens of books on writing for CreateSpace and Kindle to choose from, but bear in mind... I didn't learn this info elsewhere, it's a system I put together myself, that works miracles when applied correctly! Here's my challenge to you: If You Don't Find Something New in This Book, I Insist You Get a Refund!Here's a taster of the things we'll cover inside: 1 powerful tactic that promotes ongoing sales, WITHOUT ongoing work or promotion! How to access unlimited future book ideas without trying. Position your book so that ONLY those using external promos can beat you. The "invisible hand" secret that lets you maximize income. Correct category placement to get more eyes on your book. I'm not even going to go into keyword research & usage here, that's where I'm really going to blow you away! I'll leave you with more honest words from a Vine Voice Reviewer before I sign off... "I feel as if I am sitting next to him & he is tutoring me. He even provides the occasional moronic humor that a geek tutor would use to keep the topic lightened up.All of the above is meant as a compliment - this book has personality." So we come to a crossroads, we part ways... Or I teach you something new that you can't find anywhere else! This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back... You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed & believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland & I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daA2JC4life
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The Stuff They're Trying to Sell You in Webinars Today Was In This Book Two Years Ago. And Now Everybody is Panicking! As an author you are likely not a master of Kindle keyword research and category placement. If this is a skill set you don't have, this is the book that will put you head and shoulders above other authors. Yes, you've read the blogs & books that tell you to put keywords in your title, description etc... Some of Which is WRONG or Oversimplified! What if those keywords are too competitive? What if those keywords don't bring enough searches to matter? How do you measure any benefits your (or other authors) keywords may be bringing? I promise you that apart from the foundational basics, this is NOT the same old stuff repackaged! To quote another reviewer:"I promise you've never seen it put together this way." Listen, I know there are dozens of books on writing for CreateSpace and Kindle to choose from, but bear in mind... I didn't learn this info elsewhere, it's a system I put together myself, that works miracles when applied correctly! Here's my challenge to you: If You Don't Find Something New in This Book, I Insist You Get a Refund!Here's a taster of the things we'll cover inside: 1 powerful tactic that promotes ongoing sales, WITHOUT ongoing work or promotion! How to access unlimited future book ideas without trying. Position your book so that ONLY those using external promos can beat you. The "invisible hand" secret that lets you maximize income. Correct category placement to get more eyes on your book. I'm not even going to go into keyword research & usage here, that's where I'm really going to blow you away! I'll leave you with more honest words from a Vine Voice Reviewer before I sign off... "I feel as if I am sitting next to him & he is tutoring me. He even provides the occasional moronic humor that a geek tutor would use to keep the topic lightened up.All of the above is meant as a compliment - this book has personality." So we come to a crossroads, we part ways... Or I teach you something new that you can't find anywhere else! This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back... You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed & believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland & I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

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