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United States of Japan di Peter Tieryas
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United States of Japan (edizione 2016)

di Peter Tieryas (Autore)

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3131686,826 (3.29)1
Fantasy. Fiction. Science Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:This “interesting and excited to read” spiritual sequel to The Man in The High Castle focuses on the New Japanese Empire—from an acclaimed author and essayist (io9)
Decades ago, Japan won the Second World War. Americans worship their infallible Emperor, and nobody believes that Japan’s conduct in the war was anything but exemplary. Nobody, that is, except the George Washingtons—a shadowy group of rebels fighting for freedom. Their latest subversive tactic is to distribute an illegal video game that asks players to imagine what the world might be like if the United States had won the war instead.
Captain Beniko Ishimura’s job is to censor video games, and he’s tasked with getting to the bottom of this disturbing new development. But Ishimura’s hiding something . . . He’s slowly been discovering that the case of the George Washingtons is more complicated than it seems, and the subversive videogame’s origins are even more controversial and dangerous than the censors originally suspected.
Part detective story, part brutal alternate history, United States of Japan is a stunning successor to Philip K Dick’s The Man in the High Castle.
File under: Science Fiction [ Gamechanger | Area #11 | Robot Wars | Strike Back the Empire ].
… (altro)
Titolo:United States of Japan
Autori:Peter Tieryas (Autore)
Info:Angry Robot (2016), 400 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

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United States of Japan di Peter Tieryas Liu

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Story: 6.0 / 10
Characters: 7
Setting: 8.5
Prose: 3.5 ( )
  MXMLLN | Jan 12, 2024 |
Alt-history. What if Japan and Germany won? Japan got the atomic bomb first and used it on the US. They divide up the US and there is no one to stop the cruelty of the captors. The George Wahingtons are leading the resistance but there is a terrible price to be paid on both sides. Strong characters, interesting varient. ( )
  bgknighton | Feb 8, 2022 |
The setup and the twist at the end were clever. The rest of the book was rather dull. Maybe I'm not into anime enough to appreciate all the pop references and lifted ideas. A reasonably quick read and the cover should set up your exceptions correctly which the book delivers on with an unexpected bonus of torture porn. Maybe this would work better as a TV show, would justify one stand-out shortcoming: you don't have to pay for expensive sets in a book so you don't have to compress back-stories into awkwardly expository dialogue.

It shares nothing with Man in the High Castle except the idea of USA under Japanese occupation which is shown in a less plausible way than by PKD which I guess is exceptional in a way. The Japanese in the book are a caricature from WWII propaganda dialled to 11. ( )
  Paul_S | Dec 23, 2020 |
I always like to dip into a bit of post apocalyptic or dystopian sci-fi from time to time. I read about this somewhere and finally came across it and gave it a go. It wont burn your brain out this one but it has momentum and holds the plot well. A good fast read that paints a picture of the USA when Japan and Germany won WW2. There are some quite revealing portrayals of the US under such a scenario and this was written well pre-Trump.

A good diversion from a serious read and worthy of a place in its own right. ( )
  Ken-Me-Old-Mate | Sep 24, 2020 |
Deeply dumb, poorly written, way too much pointless torture-porn.

Chicago Nerds discussion notes: ( )
  jakecasella | Sep 21, 2020 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Science Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:This “interesting and excited to read” spiritual sequel to The Man in The High Castle focuses on the New Japanese Empire—from an acclaimed author and essayist (io9)
Decades ago, Japan won the Second World War. Americans worship their infallible Emperor, and nobody believes that Japan’s conduct in the war was anything but exemplary. Nobody, that is, except the George Washingtons—a shadowy group of rebels fighting for freedom. Their latest subversive tactic is to distribute an illegal video game that asks players to imagine what the world might be like if the United States had won the war instead.
Captain Beniko Ishimura’s job is to censor video games, and he’s tasked with getting to the bottom of this disturbing new development. But Ishimura’s hiding something . . . He’s slowly been discovering that the case of the George Washingtons is more complicated than it seems, and the subversive videogame’s origins are even more controversial and dangerous than the censors originally suspected.
Part detective story, part brutal alternate history, United States of Japan is a stunning successor to Philip K Dick’s The Man in the High Castle.
File under: Science Fiction [ Gamechanger | Area #11 | Robot Wars | Strike Back the Empire ].

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Peter Tieryas è un Autore di LibraryThing, un autore che cataloga la sua biblioteca personale su LibraryThing.

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Media: (3.29)
1 2
2 13
2.5 1
3 13
3.5 4
4 19
4.5 1
5 6


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