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The Little Book of Boards: A Board Member's Handbook for Small (and Very Small) Nonprofits

di Erik Hanberg

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33Nessuno753,992 (4)Nessuno
Are you new to a board and have no idea what's expected of you? Do you know what a board's six key responsibilities are? Do you know what your relationship with the Executive Director should be? If not, this book is for you. So many board members-especially of small nonprofits-want to support a nonprofit and readily accept the invitation to join the board. It's only then that they discover they are in over their heads, with no idea of their expectations and responsibilities. The Little Book of Boards is here to throw that drowning board member a rope. Told with a conversational style, this book will lead you through the basics of being on a board, how meetings work, and what's expected between meetings. In addition, at the back of the book are several in-depth resources for understanding Roberts Rules of Order, bylaws, committee structures, board leadership, and much more. Perfect for any new board member-or for an entire board that is feeling lost-this book and its common sense approach will serve you every year you are on the board.… (altro)
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Are you new to a board and have no idea what's expected of you? Do you know what a board's six key responsibilities are? Do you know what your relationship with the Executive Director should be? If not, this book is for you. So many board members-especially of small nonprofits-want to support a nonprofit and readily accept the invitation to join the board. It's only then that they discover they are in over their heads, with no idea of their expectations and responsibilities. The Little Book of Boards is here to throw that drowning board member a rope. Told with a conversational style, this book will lead you through the basics of being on a board, how meetings work, and what's expected between meetings. In addition, at the back of the book are several in-depth resources for understanding Roberts Rules of Order, bylaws, committee structures, board leadership, and much more. Perfect for any new board member-or for an entire board that is feeling lost-this book and its common sense approach will serve you every year you are on the board.

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Erik Hanberg è un Autore di LibraryThing, un autore che cataloga la sua biblioteca personale su LibraryThing.

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