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The Good Life and Its Discontents: The…
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The Good Life and Its Discontents: The American Dream in the Age of Entitlement (edizione 1997)

di Robert J. Samuelson (Autore)

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A New York Times Business Book Bestseller "Shrewd and optimistic. . . . [The Good Life and Its Discontents] combines first-rate analysis with persuasive historical, political and sociological insights." --The New Republic Today Americans are wealthier, healthier, and live longer than at any previous time in our history. As a society, we have never had it so good. Yet, paradoxically, many of us have never felt so bad. For, as Robert J. Samuelson observes in this visionary book, our country suffers from a national sense of entitlement--a feeling that someone, whether Big Business or Big Government, should guarantee us secure jobs, rising living standards, social harmony, and personal fulfillment. In The Good Life and Its Discontents, Samuelson, a national columnist for Newsweek and the Washington Post, links our rising expectations with our belief in a post-Cold War vision of an American utopia. Using history, economics, and psychology, he exposes the hubris of economists and corporate managers and indicts a government that promises too much to too many constituencies. Like David Reisman's The Lonely Crowd and John Kenneth Galbraith's The Affluent Society, the result is a book that defines its time--and that is sure to shape the national debate for years to come. "A smart, balanced epitaph for an era--with a few clues for what's ahead." --Business Week "Lucid [and] nonsectarian . . . Samuelson traces how the reasonable demand for progress has given way to the excessive demand for perfection." --The New York Times… (altro)
Titolo:The Good Life and Its Discontents: The American Dream in the Age of Entitlement
Autori:Robert J. Samuelson (Autore)
Info:Vintage (1997), 352 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The Good Life and Its Discontents: The American Dream in the Age of Entitlement 1945-1995 di Robert J. Samuelson

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Excellent book that looks at why Americans feel entitled to so much even after having achieved one of the highest living standards in the world. ( )
  Mtatge | Nov 4, 2013 |
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A New York Times Business Book Bestseller "Shrewd and optimistic. . . . [The Good Life and Its Discontents] combines first-rate analysis with persuasive historical, political and sociological insights." --The New Republic Today Americans are wealthier, healthier, and live longer than at any previous time in our history. As a society, we have never had it so good. Yet, paradoxically, many of us have never felt so bad. For, as Robert J. Samuelson observes in this visionary book, our country suffers from a national sense of entitlement--a feeling that someone, whether Big Business or Big Government, should guarantee us secure jobs, rising living standards, social harmony, and personal fulfillment. In The Good Life and Its Discontents, Samuelson, a national columnist for Newsweek and the Washington Post, links our rising expectations with our belief in a post-Cold War vision of an American utopia. Using history, economics, and psychology, he exposes the hubris of economists and corporate managers and indicts a government that promises too much to too many constituencies. Like David Reisman's The Lonely Crowd and John Kenneth Galbraith's The Affluent Society, the result is a book that defines its time--and that is sure to shape the national debate for years to come. "A smart, balanced epitaph for an era--with a few clues for what's ahead." --Business Week "Lucid [and] nonsectarian . . . Samuelson traces how the reasonable demand for progress has given way to the excessive demand for perfection." --The New York Times

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