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Going for broke

di Paul Barry

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28Nessuno863,277 (2.5)Nessuno
The real-life financial thriller about multi-millionaire Alan Bond, and his hidden fortunes.'Brilliantly researched, expertly assembled and well written, Going for Brokeis a masterful critique of all that's wrong with Australia's judicial system' -- Sydney Morning HeraldEveryone has a Bond story. This is the one you haven't heard ... Once upon a time Alan Bond was a hero - the man who won the America's Cup for Australia, the poor immigrant turned sign writer who became a billionaire, the Aussie battler made good. Then came a controversial expose by investigative journalist Paul Barry on ABC's 'Four Corners'. This explosive portrait led to Barry's bestselling The Rise and Fall of Alan Bondand soon afterwards the house of cards collapsed, Bond was made bankrupt and sent to jail. Now Bond is back, after spending less than three and a half years of his sentence for defrauding Bell resources of more than $1200 million - roughly one day in prison for every one million dollars shareholders lost. In Going for Broke, Paul Barry does what no one else has been able to do- show how Bond stashed his fortune overseas, and prove that if your pockets are deep enough and your lawyers good enough, you can get away with almost anything - as long as you go for broke. Going for Brokereads like a thriller, full of cloaks and daggers, car chases, courtroom dramas, larger than life villains and heroes - and it's all true. This is a story that had to be told. And no one else can tell it like Paul Barry.… (altro)
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The real-life financial thriller about multi-millionaire Alan Bond, and his hidden fortunes.'Brilliantly researched, expertly assembled and well written, Going for Brokeis a masterful critique of all that's wrong with Australia's judicial system' -- Sydney Morning HeraldEveryone has a Bond story. This is the one you haven't heard ... Once upon a time Alan Bond was a hero - the man who won the America's Cup for Australia, the poor immigrant turned sign writer who became a billionaire, the Aussie battler made good. Then came a controversial expose by investigative journalist Paul Barry on ABC's 'Four Corners'. This explosive portrait led to Barry's bestselling The Rise and Fall of Alan Bondand soon afterwards the house of cards collapsed, Bond was made bankrupt and sent to jail. Now Bond is back, after spending less than three and a half years of his sentence for defrauding Bell resources of more than $1200 million - roughly one day in prison for every one million dollars shareholders lost. In Going for Broke, Paul Barry does what no one else has been able to do- show how Bond stashed his fortune overseas, and prove that if your pockets are deep enough and your lawyers good enough, you can get away with almost anything - as long as you go for broke. Going for Brokereads like a thriller, full of cloaks and daggers, car chases, courtroom dramas, larger than life villains and heroes - and it's all true. This is a story that had to be told. And no one else can tell it like Paul Barry.

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