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Alone on the Wall di Alex Honnold
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Alone on the Wall (originale 2015; edizione 2018)

di Alex Honnold (Autore)

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294992,980 (3.68)5
Biography & Autobiography. Sports & Recreations. Nonfiction. Only a few years ago, Alex Honnold was little known beyond a small circle of hardcore climbers. Today, at the age of thirty, he is probably the most famous adventure athlete in the world. In that short time, he has proven his expertise in many styles of climbing and has shattered speed records, pioneered routes, and won awards within each discipline. More spectacularly still, he has pushed the most extreme and dangerous form of climbing far beyond the limits of what anyone thought was possible.Free soloing, Honnold's specialty, is a type of climbing performed without a rope, a partner, or hardware-such as pitons, nuts, or cams-for aid or protection. The results of climbing this way are breathtaking, but the stakes are ultimate: if you fall, you die.In Alone on the Wall, Honnold recounts the seven most astonishing climbing achievements so far in his still-evolving career. He narrates the drama of each climb, along with reflective passages that illuminate the inner workings of his highly perceptive and discerning mind. We share in the jitters and excitements he feels waking in his van (where he lives full time) before a climb; we see him self-criticize in his climbing journal (a veritable bible for students of the sport); and we learn his secrets to managing fear. Veteran climber and award-winning author David Roberts writes part of each chapter in his own voice, and he calls on other climbers and the sport's storied past to put Alex's tremendous accomplishments in perspective.Whenever Honnold speaks in public, he is asked the same two questions: "Aren't you afraid you're going to die?" and "Why do you do this?" Alone on the Wall takes us around the world and through the highs and lows in the life of a climbing superstar to answer those fascinating questions. Honnold's extraordinary life, and his idiosyncratic worldview, have much to teach us about risk, reward, and the ability to maintain a singular focus, even in the face of extreme danger.… (altro)
Titolo:Alone on the Wall
Autori:Alex Honnold (Autore)
Info:W. W. Norton & Company (2018), Edition: Expanded ed., 320 pages
Collezioni:Da leggere

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Alone on the Wall di Alex Honnold (2015)

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» Vedi le 5 citazioni

Expected more of Honnold's philosophical takes on all things life and society. Alas, the book mostly describes his climbing in a not so gripping style as opposed to Andy Kirkpatrick's Psychovertical. ( )
  CynicusRex | Aug 22, 2024 |
As a climber, this was a fascinating insight to Alex Honnold's process for preparing and executing his free solo climbs. I've watched many of the movies referenced in the book, so the additional context and details about each were great. ( )
  ropable | Aug 20, 2023 |
I wanted to read this after watching 'Free Solo' which I think could very well be one of the most amazing athletic feats ever. This book gave me so much appreciation for the genius of director of 'Free Solo' -- Jimmy Chin. Honnold is a legend, no doubt. Watching 'Free Solo' absolutely blew my mind, it's one of my favorite documentaries ever. It put me on edge and made my hands sweat like crazy. Unfortunately, this book didn’t add much more to the information gained from watching the film. I feel as if the book works better if you read it first, as it’s timeline is Alex’s life before the movie. He doesn't talk much about free soloing El Capitan as the book is written before that. I didn't know this prior so admittedly that may have skewed my review. The book is also heavily grounded in technical climbing jargon. If you are not familiar with climbing terminology or the sport in general, this book will not resonate with you. I also thought that the way it was told was awkward jumping from narrator to Honnold. I'd rather hear it told by Junger or Krakauer. Alex's dry, unfiltered way of speaking can get lost on any reader not used to his candor. In the end, I think poor editing killed this book. It should be written as a first-person cliff hanger - pun intended. ( )
  jonathanpapz | Jul 2, 2020 |
I don't climb and my immediate thought after hitting the specialized vocabulary on page one was, "I'm in over my head." What I found however, was a careful sprinkling of context and parentheticals throughout the text to help the reader like me. While there were still references I didn't get, the book was very kind to non-practitioners without wholesale dumbing down the language for a mass audience.

The book works because of the back and forth between the subject (Honnold) and his co-writer Roberts. Their sections are formatted and voiced differently, and do a great job of placing the meat of the book (Honnold's sections) in context with the drier and sometimes antagonizing sections written by Roberts. The book provided a behind-the-scenes look at some of the amazing climbing films that Honnold has featured in.

I didn't really get the sections on Honnold's relationship with SP - I'd guess they were included because they were important, but I'm not sure that came across in the text. Generally, a few more diagrams, especially to help detail the longer exploits involving multiple climbs, would have been appreciated by this non-climber. ( )
  sarcher | May 11, 2019 |
I had to read this after watching the excellent movie, "Free Solo." The movie is much better, with a view into Honnold's climbing, his life and relationships, and the ethics of making a movie about a deadly sport. This book is more focused on climbing. It has lots of filler, and not much drama. Honnold's life is solitary and it can be dull to read about.

Unfortunately, the book feels like "The Art of the Deal," except that Honnold actually did write parts of his memoir. The parts of the book written by coauthor Roberts are largely not good. One feels that he was desperate for content. He gives blow-by-blow accounts of movies, he quotes at extreme length online forum posts. He is really stretching for any content.

Still, the book builds some momentum, and, if you can care about climbing, the climbing stories are fun to hear. ( )
  breic | Oct 30, 2018 |
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Honnold, Alexautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Roberts, Davidautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Chin, JimmyProgetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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To my family, for always supporting me along an unconventional path
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I started up the climb shortly after dawn.

Chapter one. Moonlight.
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Biography & Autobiography. Sports & Recreations. Nonfiction. Only a few years ago, Alex Honnold was little known beyond a small circle of hardcore climbers. Today, at the age of thirty, he is probably the most famous adventure athlete in the world. In that short time, he has proven his expertise in many styles of climbing and has shattered speed records, pioneered routes, and won awards within each discipline. More spectacularly still, he has pushed the most extreme and dangerous form of climbing far beyond the limits of what anyone thought was possible.Free soloing, Honnold's specialty, is a type of climbing performed without a rope, a partner, or hardware-such as pitons, nuts, or cams-for aid or protection. The results of climbing this way are breathtaking, but the stakes are ultimate: if you fall, you die.In Alone on the Wall, Honnold recounts the seven most astonishing climbing achievements so far in his still-evolving career. He narrates the drama of each climb, along with reflective passages that illuminate the inner workings of his highly perceptive and discerning mind. We share in the jitters and excitements he feels waking in his van (where he lives full time) before a climb; we see him self-criticize in his climbing journal (a veritable bible for students of the sport); and we learn his secrets to managing fear. Veteran climber and award-winning author David Roberts writes part of each chapter in his own voice, and he calls on other climbers and the sport's storied past to put Alex's tremendous accomplishments in perspective.Whenever Honnold speaks in public, he is asked the same two questions: "Aren't you afraid you're going to die?" and "Why do you do this?" Alone on the Wall takes us around the world and through the highs and lows in the life of a climbing superstar to answer those fascinating questions. Honnold's extraordinary life, and his idiosyncratic worldview, have much to teach us about risk, reward, and the ability to maintain a singular focus, even in the face of extreme danger.

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